Most probably the version of R you are using needs upgradation, Or else search for the package in CRAN and download it.
The nycflights13 package contains five datasets: airlines, airports, flights, planes and weather. Because flights is not a package, install.packages("flights") will always fail. From your screenshot, you have already installed the nycflights13 package. Strangely, it appears twice. A guess is that it is in both your user library (/Users/shilpu/Library/R/arm64/4.2/library) and the system library (/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/library), but I have never seen that before. It should probably be in just the user library.
R 4.2 is fine, no need to update to 4.3.
Thank you so much for your response and the inputs.
Hi....I searched in my system and didn't find it.
It is gone from the list of installed packages? Very strange. I do not have any helpful suggestions.
I got it. somehow I managed to retrieve the data from GitHub
Great. Just flights or all five datasets?
Edit: I see all five.
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