What does get_rows_id mean?

I have not been able to find much on flextable errors let alone this specific error I'm getting:

Error in get_rows_id(x[[part]], i) : 
invalid row selection: out of range selection

I don't have a reprex, I just want to know what the error means so I can debug this. If you want to see the steps taken to get there:

> traceback()
14: stop("invalid row selection: out of range selection")
13: get_rows_id(x[[part]], i)
12: style(., i = which(submarket_order %in% totals), j = 1, pr_t = update(bold = T, 
11: border(., border.top = body_border, border.bottom = body_border, 
        part = "body")
10: get_columns_id(x[["body"]], j)
9: width(., width = cell_width)
8: get_columns_id(x[["body"]], j)
7: width(., j = 1, 1.55)
6: nrow_part(x, part)
5: height(., height = 0.28, part = "header")
4: void(., 1, part = "header")
3: df %>% flextable(cheight = cell_height) %>% add_footer_lines(top = F, 
       values = source_caption(report_quarter)) %>% style(pr_p = def_par, 
       pr_t = def_text, pr_c = def_cell, part = "all") %>% style(pr_c = def_header_bg, 
       pr_t = def_text_header, part = "header") %>% style(j = 1, 
       pr_p = update(text.align = "left", def_par), part = "body") %>% 
       style(pr_p = update(text.align = "left", def_par), pr_c = update(vertical.align = "bottom", 
           border.bottom = fp_border(width = 0), def_cell), pr_t = update(color = my_pal[2], 
           def_text), part = "footer") %>% style(i = which(submarket_order %in% 
       totals), j = 1, pr_t = update(bold = T, def_text)) %>% border(border.top = body_border, 
       border.bottom = body_border, part = "body") %>% width(width = cell_width) %>% 
       width(j = 1, 1.55) %>% height(height = 0.28, part = "header") %>% 
       void(1, part = "header") at Industrial_MarketviewFunctions.R#996
2: market_stats_table(total_stats, cell_width = if_else(property_type == 
       "Industrial", 1.05, 0.9), cell_height = if_else(property_type == 
       "Industrial", 0.33, 0.27), submarket_order, totals) at Industrial_MarketviewFunctions.R#973
1: key_market_stats(historical_stats, historical_stats_by_class, 

Any help is much appreciated, I have no idea where to go from here, thank you.


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