Welcome to Quarto - Workshop - Tom Mock - Discussion

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Welcome to Quarto Workshop!, Led by Tom Mock

Recording here: https://youtu.be/yvi5uXQMvu4

Content website used for 2-hour Workshop: Get Started with Quarto - Getting Started with Quarto
FULL Workshop Materials (this was from a 2-day workshop at RStudio Conference): GitHub - rstudio-conf-2022/get-started-quarto: rstudio::conf-2022 Workshop on Quarto

:white_check_mark: Double-check: Are you on the latest version of RStudio i.e. v2022.07.1 or later?

:package: Packages used: tidyverse, gt, gtExtras, reactable, ggiraph, here, quarto, rmarkdown, gtsummary, palmerpenguins, fs, skimr

:cloud: Pre-built RStudio Cloud with workshop materials already installed: [Posit Cloud]

Pre-Work: Install RStudio v2022.07.1 from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download - this will come with a working version of Quarto!

This 2-hour virtual session is designed for those who have no or little prior experience with R Markdown and who want to learn Quarto.

What is Quarto? Quarto is the next generation of R Markdown for publishing, including dynamic and static documents and multi-lingual programming language support. With Quarto you can create documents, books, presentations, blogs or other online resources.

Should I take this?

As with all the community meetups, everyone is welcome. This will be especially interesting to you if you have experience programming in R and want to learn how to take advantage of Quarto for literate data science programming in academia, science, and industry.

This workshop will be appropriate for attendees who answer yes to these questions:

  • Have you programmed in R and want to better encapsulate your code, documentation, and outputs in a cohesive “data product”?
  • Do you want to learn about the next generation of R Markdown for data science?
  • Do you want to have a better interactive experience when writing technical or scientific documents with literate programming?

Additional resources: Get Started with Quarto - rstudio::conf 2022 Workshop


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