{wedding}: a Shiny app to help future grooms - Shiny Contest Submission

{wedding}: a Shiny app to help future grooms

Authors: Margot Brard

Abstract: Guests can get logistical information about the wedding, confirm their attendance, and indicate their menu choice. The future bride and groom have access the wedding dashboard (visualization of expenses, number of confirmations, seating charts, ...).

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For several years now, solutions allowing future brides and grooms to create a website dedicated to their wedding have been flourishing on the web. These websites are mainly designed to inform guests about logistical aspects related to the wedding day. They also allow guests to indicate their presence or not at the event through a form. However, none of these sites seem to offer the future bride and groom a double functionality: 1. inform and exchange with their guests and 2. manage the preparations of their wedding.

{wedding} has been developed with this goal in mind. In fact, it was developed for my own wedding. This is why I chose "Other" as category. I think "Personal app" would be a suitable category. I had in mind to develop a web application to manage the preparations of my wedding. I wanted it to remind the design of the invitations sent to the guests. My wedding app is deployed here. Login and password required to access the app were communicated to our guests on the invitation.

What exactly is {wedding}?

{wedding} is a package created with {golem} that launches a Shiny app.

In addition to the informative tabs dedicated to the guests, the bride and groom have access - via password - to a tab dedicated to them. They find a dashboard with all the information related to the wedding preparations: expenses, guest list, number of confirmations, seating plans, etc. This information can then be transmitted to the various wedding suppliers (caterer, etc.).

Location tab:

Confirmation tab:

Seating plan updated each time a guest confirms her/his presence:

The application is fed by datasets stored as Google Sheets, which are updated in the Google Drive according to the users' interactions while browsing the app.

In order to be consistent with the wedding invitations, a custom css template was created. The Shiny app is deployed in production and its access is secured via a login/password system.

The application is in French. The README file provides a translation and an explanation of the different tabs that compose it.

A demo version of the Shiny app is available here (login: welcome, password: bigday, password for the bride and groom area: onlyforbride). It is based on toy datasets. It is preferable to launch the app from Google Chrome or Firefox.

The package code is available on the dedicated GitHub repo on the RStudio Cloud project. The demo app cannot be launched directly from RStudio Cloud, as it requires credentials to access Google Drive storage. The README file presents all the necessary instructions to obtain credentials and reproduce the app.

Keywords: package; golem; google drive; wedding; design
Shiny app: https://connect.thinkr.fr/wedding
Repo: GitHub - ThinkR-open/wedding: Shiny app with custom css to prepare and manage a wedding
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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Thank you, we are getting married next year and I am having trouble with the limited (commercial) options for wedding websites out there. So excited to create our own Shiny app that also allows for a custom css to match our paper invites. Thank you for sharing!

Wow! This app is exemplary . This shows that R is no longer a language for mere statistical analysis! Thanks for sharing.

I am now considering making an offer to my wife. Therefore I think we will need this kind of application because we will be doing a grand wedding that all the guests we invited will remember! I will order a custom suit from this brand -- Gentleman's Guru, and my wife will most likely rent the expensive and beautiful dress. These are all dreams, but I think they will soon be realized in reality. Thank you for sharing information about such an application. I think this thread will be useful to many!