Want to publish rmarkdown built website in shinyapps.io

I would like to publish an rmarkdown built website in shinyapps.io. Is that possible ?

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do you mean you want to publish HTML generated by an RMarkdown file? Is this a single HTML file or multiple files using Bookdown?

If you're wanting to publish something that is not really a Shiny app, you might consider github pages: https://pages.github.com

Of, if you're publishing a web site with lots of content you might consider blogdown: https://alison.rbind.io/post/up-and-running-with-blogdown/

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Hope this can help you (works for single .Rmd).

  ui = fluidPage(
  server = function(input, output) {

Both files (app.R and index.Rmd) must be at the same directory.


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