I'm relatively new to R and I'm a heck of a time figuring this out on my own. I used get symbols to get the last 5 years of a few stocks and now I'm trying to write a function that allows me view them with ggplot's facet_wrap by period and put that periods standard deviation and mean on each plot.
First I added the desired periods (terms) to the data like this:
start_dates <- c(st_date, (st_date + months(15) + days(1)), (st_date + months(30) + days(1)), (st_date + months(45) + days(1)))
end_dates <- c(st_date + months(15), st_date + months(30), st_date + months(45), st_date + months(60))
term <- function(date) {
breaks = ymd(st_date, end_dates),
labels = c("Months: 45-60", "Months: 30-45", "Months: 15-45", "Months: Today-15")
Then I took the raw data and pivoted it to a long format :
A tibble: 6 x 4
date assets prices term
1 2020-10-30 FB 263. Months: Today-15
2 2020-10-30 AMZN 3036. Months: Today-15
3 2020-10-30 NFLX 476. Months: Today-15
4 2020-10-30 GOOG 1621. Months: Today-15
5 2020-10-30 Sector_Value 1349. Months: Today-15
6 2020-10-30 Spy 327. Months: Today-15
which looks like that. and then I wrote a function that I hoped would accomplish my goal :
plot_4_ranges <- function(data, column, asset, stat, title) {
column <- rlang::enquo(column)
asset <- rlang::ensym(asset)
raw_num_eval <- data.frame(data %>%
filter(assets == asset) %>%
group_by(term) %>%
sd = sd(prices),
mean = mean(prices),
count = length(prices)))
stat = c("sd", "mean", "count")
label_a <- plyr::mapvalues(stat, from = c("sd", "mean", "count"), to = c("(expression(sigma))", "(expression(mu))", "n"))
raw_num_eval$join <- paste0(raw_num_eval$term, "\n(", label_a, " = ",
round(raw_num_eval[[stat]], 4), ")")
raw_map <- setNames(raw_num_eval$join, as.factor(raw_num_eval$term))
plot1 <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(!!column == asset) %>%
ggplot(aes(prices)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = stat(count))) +
facet_wrap(~ term, ncol = 2, labeler = label_both(pluck(.raw_map[["stat"]])), scales = 'free_x') +
geom_vline(data = raw_num_eval, aes(xintercept = mean), color = "steelblue", size = 1) +
ggtitle(title) +
but when I plot it
plot_4_ranges(Sector_Prices_long, assets, Spy, stat = "sd", "Spy Prices")
I get this error message
Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) :
recursive indexing failed at level 2
can someone help me figure out where I am screwing up?