Visualizations created through mapview() do not appear in html knitted document

Hi all,

I am wrapping up a project for presentation and invested quite a bit of time in making geographic maps of various data points using mapview(). The visualizations work as expected within R, however they do not appear to translate into my html document.

Has anyone had a similar issue, or are there any global/chunk-specific options I can tweak to make these visualizations visible?

I did notice that upon booting up rstudio, I got the following warning message, which may be contributing to the issue:

Loading required package: mapview
GDAL version >= 3.1.0 | setting mapviewOptions(fgb = TRUE)

For reference, my code for one of these maps is as follows:

viz_peak_we_stations <-  
  mapview(stat_we_mem_grouped_start[1:50, ],
          xcol = 'start_lng',
          ycol = 'start_lat',
          cex = 'ride_count',
          alpha = 0.5,
          grid = F,
          crs = 4269,
          legend = T,
 = 'Top 50 member start stations',
          zcol = 'ride_count',
          col.regions = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = 'Greens')
  mapview(stat_we_mem_grouped_end[1:50, ],
          xcol = 'end_lng',
          ycol = 'end_lat',
          cex = 'ride_count',
          alpha = 0.5,
          grid = F,
          crs = 4269,
          legend = T,
 = 'Top 50 member end stations',
          zcol = 'ride_count',
          col.regions = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = 'Reds')
  ) +
  mapview(stat_we_cas_grouped_start[1:50, ],
          xcol = 'start_lng',
          ycol = 'start_lat',
          cex = 'ride_count',
          alpha = 0.5,
          grid = F,
          crs = 4269,
          legend = T,
          col.regions = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = 'Blues'),
 = 'Top 50 casual start stations',
          zcol = 'ride_count'
  ) +
  mapview(stat_we_cas_grouped_end[1:50, ],
          xcol = 'end_lng',
          ycol = 'end_lat',
          cex = 'ride_count',
          alpha = 0.5,
          grid = F,
          crs = 4269,
          legend = T,
          col.regions = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = 'Oranges'),
 = 'Top 50 casual end stations',
          zcol = 'ride_count'

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