Variable modification using Pipe operator

Could please tell me the mistake I made in this script?
iris <-
iris |>
Sepal.Length = as.numeric(x = Sepal.Length),
Sepal.Width = as.numeric(x = Sepal.Width),
Petal.Length = as.numeric(x = Petal.Length),
Petal.Width = as.numeric(x = Petal.Width),
Species = as.factor(x = Species)

The result I got here :

iris <-

  • iris |>
  • mutate(
  • Sepal.Length = as.numeric(x = Sepal.Length),
  • Sepal.Width = as.numeric(x = Sepal.Width),
  • Petal.Length = as.numeric(x = Petal.Length),
  • Petal.Width = as.numeric(x = Petal.Width),
  • Species = as.factor(x = Species)
  • )

I don't see any problem with your code and I don't understand what you mean to say with the results you show. When I run your code, there is not visible output, which is expected. Please explain what I am missing.

iris <-
  iris |>
    Sepal.Length = as.numeric(x = Sepal.Length),
    Sepal.Width = as.numeric(x = Sepal.Width),
    Petal.Length = as.numeric(x = Petal.Length),
    Petal.Width = as.numeric(x = Petal.Width),
    Species = as.factor(x = Species)

Created on 2024-02-18 with reprex v2.0.2

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Thanks for your reply.
In fact, my concern is that when I run the code the sign + appears meaning that something is missing the script.

+ in blue text in your console just means that one line follows another in a connected way. it doesnt mean anything is missing.

Thanks for your answer. It helps me.
I thought whenever the sign + in blue appears it means something is missing to my code.

if theres a trailing + (i.e. the last symbol) in the console from code you submitted, then it is a sign that you submitted incomplete code, as the system is waiting for the rest, and mostly likely its from some unbalanced use of quotes or brackets etc.

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