Does anyone know if this is possible to achieve with facets. Here is a reprex to work off of. As you can see, the same secondary axis labels are of course repeated on all facets.
Hi @mattwarkentin, I don't know if you can use a more detailed classification for each country, so you could avoid overlapping in some cases. For example America can be divided a bit more.
library(countrycode) # other continent classification
df <- gapminder |>
mutate(continent_2 = countrycode(country, "", "region")) |>
filter(continent %in% c('Oceania', 'Americas'))
max_labs <-
df |>
slice_max(year, by = country)
# And take the plot of @williaml user
df |>
ggplot(aes(year, lifeExp, colour = country)) +
geom_line(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ continent_2, scales = 'free_y') +
geom_text_repel(data = max_labs,
aes(year, lifeExp, label = country),
nudge_x = -2, direction = "y", hjust = "right") +
guides(colour = "none")
# Latin America & Caribbean it is possible to break it down a little more in center and south,
# but I don't know if the graph is useful for you.