Using separate shiny modules to subset data


Despite being still a novice to shiny, I decided to learn about modules. I am trying to build an app that will display data based on a select date range. I tried to do this with different modules for selecting the dates and other modules for handling data and creating plots but seem to have run into a bit of problem despite following the article here. I realise that the article describes the callModule method of using modules.

Here is a sample of the app and modules:



ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session){
  demo_date <- dateSelectServer("demoDate")
                    dataset = test_app,
                    date_range = demo_date)
shinyApp(ui, server)
dateSelectUI <- function(id){
  tagList(dateRangeInput(NS(id, "dateRange"), "Dates", 
                         start = min(ymd(arise_app$year_m)),
                         end = max(ymd(arise_app$year_m)),
                         format = "dd-mm-yyyy")

dateSelectServer <- function(id){
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){
        min_date <- reactive({input$dateRange[1]}),
        max_date <- reactive({input$dateRange[2]})

demoSummaryUI <- function(id){
  tagList(infoBoxOutput(NS(id, "numbers"), width = 6),
          infoBoxOutput(NS(id, "period"), width = 6),
          # this was to test that the date selection works
          verbatimTextOutput(NS(id, "verbatim"))

demoSummaryServer <- function(id, dataset, date_range){
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){
    output$verbatim <- renderPrint({date_range})
    # eventually, the data can be filter by date selected:
    # dataset <- dataset %>%
    #   filter(year_m >= date_range$min_date() & year_m <= date_range$max_date())


And data:

structure(list(BMI = c(36, 32, 25, 35, 25, 30, 39, 44, 38, 24
), prosthesis = c("SIGMA", "SIGMA", "ATTUNE", "ATTUNE", "ATTUNE", 
"SIGMA", "ATTUNE", "ATTUNE", "SIGMA", "SIGMA"), op_duration = structure(c(59, 
60, 121, 63, 73, 64, 81, 60, 60, 65), class = "difftime", units = "mins"), 
    year_m = structure(c(18262, 18262, 18322, 18262, 18262, 18262, 
    18262, 18262, 18293, 18293), class = "Date")), row.names = c(NA, 
-10L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

I would be really interested to know how to fix this and grateful for anyone who can help.

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