I need to scrape in R one website. The web is not secure its public but somehow the source is hidden or secured. You can see the tags and html elements in chrome preview F12 but not in page source.
The error I get: Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : HTTP error 400.
The page is this: https://efiskalizimi-app-test.tatime.gov.al/invoice.../...
It's a public url for a given invoice. I just need to scrape some divs in R and make statistics.
My code:
tax_invoice <- read_html("https://efiskalizimi-app.tatime.gov.al/invoice-check/#/verify?iic=62AC7297F5630E8F1164397B3C444408&tin=L62203504M&crtd=2021-07-06T16:13:50%2002:00&ord=4536&bu=td433no981&cr=kk646wq776&sw=cc302yz654&prc=582104.00")
thank you in advance !!!