I am using functions from the forcats and devtools packages in a vignette for a package I am developing. I have them listed in the Suggests (not not Imports) field in the NAMESPACE file.
When I run devtools::check(), the following NOTE is returned:
checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... NOTE
'::' or ':::' imports not declared from:
‘devtools’ ‘forcats’
According to the answer to this question on Stack Overflow, adding these to the Suggests field ought to resolve the issue causing the note, but this doesn't seem to do so for me in this case. Can you recommend how you would address this note? If it is helpful, a link to the package is here.
Yes. I'd also say that you should keep anything that could need d within the braces, so that building / recreating the vignette does not fail if forcats is not available.