I am trying use only only javascript to plot a graph in shiny. Can anyone help me in achieving this below
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$p(id = 'g', class = 'newClass', 'This is a plot'),tags$p(id = "demo"),
tags$script(HTML("var tit = document.getElementById('g');tit.onclick = function (){document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = Date()}"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
This is an application when the user clicks on the content, the date displays below
Now, can we change this, so that when the user click on the content, a plot plot_ly(iris, x = ~Species, y = ~Petal.Length) should appear. I know we can achieve somehow using shiny functionality (using button). But Wanted to know if we can do this using only JS.