Using httr to POST to Twilio API

I have had success using {httr} to access one of Twilio's APIs. e.g. I have used the code below to grab pages from their "Messages" API:

Twil_dest <- paste0("",
                    Twilio_SID, # my SID
d <- GET(Twil_dest,
    authenticate(Twilio_SID, tok)) # my SID and token

They have another API where you can request a job through POST, which they then make accessible to a webhook (please clarify my terminology!). The instructions for that API are here for a variety of languages including curl, java, python, php, etc. For instance, for curl it suggests

curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode "" \
--data-urlencode "WebhookMethod=POST" \
--data-urlencode "WebhookUrl=" \
--data-urlencode "StartDay=2019-11-20" \
--data-urlencode "EndDay=2019-11-30" \
--data-urlencode "FriendlyName=Export1" \

I would like to use httr::POST to submit that request, but I don't know how to format the parameters in the request.

When I have tried putting them in a list inside query(LIST_OF_MY_PARAMETERS), it says all the parameters must be named. When I construct a string where each one is preceded by ? I get a bad request error 400.

  authenticate(Twilio_SID, tok)

Many thanks!

Why the "?" and paste()? You may be thinking about GET that would encode variables as:

In your case, for POST, I think you just want to put your data in the body, as a simple list. You can use encode="form" to have the equivalent of --data-url-encode if I understand correctly the help for POST(). So, does something like that work?

httr::POST(url = "",
           body = list(Email="MY@EMAIL.COM",
           encode = "form")

Yes, that worked, once I also added an authenticate() term too. Many thanks!

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