Hi everyone! This is probably more a question around futures and package structure than ExtendedTask and Shiny but I'm making a Shiny app as a package and encountering an error when I try to use ExtendedTask in that future cannot find a function from the package the app is within so I can't library it in because that'd be self referential if that makes sense? I made a package called { testextended} with an app.R in the root directory and two files in the R folder by building on the Extended task example (all im doing here is adding x and y in a different file):
if (!interactive()) {
sink(stderr(), type = "output")
}, error = function(e) {
} else {
# Increase max file size to 1GB
# Launch the app
testextended::test_app(runApp = interactive())
custom_function <- function(x, y) {
x + y
#' @import shiny
#' @import future
#' @import promises
#' @import bslib
#' @export
test_app <- function(user = NULL, box_token = NULL, meta_yaml_id = NULL, runApp = TRUE) {
app <- shiny::shinyApp(
ui = {
numericInput("x", "x", value = 1),
numericInput("y", "y", value = 2),
actionButton("btn", "Add numbers"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
sum_values <- ExtendedTask$new(function(x, y) {
custom_function(x, y)
observeEvent(input$btn, {
sum_values$invoke(input$x, input$y)
output$sum <- renderText({
# run build app
if (runApp)
I currently get the error: Warning: Error in : there is no package called ‘testextended’ but since I'm IN that package I'm hesitant to use a library call inside the future call?
Anyone have any advice here?
Have you tried passing the function explicitly via future_promise
's globals
Hi @ismirsehregal thanks for the suggestion! I tried like the code below but still get the same error? Do I need to leverage the packages argument or maybe envir? Is there something else I'm missing?
sum_values <- ExtendedTask$new(function(x, y) {
{ custom_function(x, y) },
seed = 3,
globals = list(custom_function = testextended::custom_function),
I'd try to source("func.R", local = TRUE)
inside the shiny app and pass the customfunction
without referring to the package namespace (testextended::
This should work also without passing the globals
parameter. However, I currently can't test it.
Thank you for this! It does seem to work but I'm curious why I need to explicitly source the function to have this work when all other code/functions reliant on other functions are able to utilize the { testextended } package namespace? Is this best practices to be sourcing a file inside a package?
Code that works below:
#' @import shiny
#' @import future
#' @import promises
#' @import bslib
#' @export
test_app <- function(user = NULL, box_token = NULL, meta_yaml_id = NULL, runApp = TRUE) {
# Explicitly source the func.R code
source("R/func.R", local = TRUE)
app <- shiny::shinyApp(
ui = {
numericInput("x", "x", value = 1),
numericInput("y", "y", value = 2),
actionButton("btn", "Add numbers"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
sum_values <- ExtendedTask$new(function(x, y) {
{ custom_function(x, y) },
seed = 3,
globals = c("custom_function", "x", "y")
observeEvent(input$btn, {
sum_values$invoke(input$x, input$y)
output$sum <- renderText({
# Run the app
if (runApp)
I'm not sure regarding the best practice for package development in this context. However, you have to somehow, make the custom function available for the "fresh" R process running the future, once the future function fails to collect it on its own. I guess this is the issue. The custom function resides in an environment which isn't looked up or isn't available for the future (all based on assumptions as I havn't run your code).
I've use ExtendedTask
inside a packaged app without needing to make explicit calls to the package, but the architecture is a bit different to yours. Everything app-related is in inst/shiny
and server.R
contains library(package)
. There's an example here: shinyscholar/inst/shiny/modules/select_async.R at master · simon-smart88/shinyscholar · GitHub