I've written a simple R Shiny app that I can't get deployed to shinyapps.io. The problem seems to be that my local version of two Bioconductor packages (ggtree and treeio) are more recent than what gets pulled from CRAN. I've tried downgrading my local packages, but downgrading ggtree breaks my code. I've also tried forcing shinyapps.io to use BiocManager to install the versions of treeio and ggtree I'm using, but I haven't found the right incantation to chant. I am currently including the following in my code:
I'd appreciate any pointers on how to fix this. I've got repositories set to look at Bioconductor. Here's the error message:
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 575591382 failed: Error building image: Error fetching treeio (1.6.1) source. Error downloading package source. Please update your BioConductor packages to the latest version and try again: <BioconductorPackageSource repo='
Execution halted