How would you use across
to convert many columns to factor
. For example using the starwars
starwars %>%
select(height, hair_color, skin_color, mass)
# A tibble: 87 x 4
height hair_color skin_color mass
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 172 blond fair 77
2 167 NA gold 75
3 96 NA white, blue 32
4 202 none white 136
5 150 brown light 49
6 178 brown, grey light 120
7 165 brown light 75
8 97 NA white, red 32
9 183 black light 84
10 182 auburn, white fair 77
# ... with 77 more rows
starwars %>%
select(height, hair_color, skin_color, mass) %>%
mutate(across(height:skin_color), as.factor()) # fix this !!!
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `..2`.
x argument "x" is missing, with no default
i Input `..2` is `as.factor()`.