Hi @larefly this failed. Script and output below:
# With the revenue poredictions, send them to S3 ----
library(noctua) # remotes::install_github("dyfanjones/noctua", ref = "retry")
noctua_options(retry = 20) # how many times to retry with dbWriteTable
source('/home/rstudio-doug/analysis/radhoc/revenue_model/functions/general_functions.R', local = T) # for try_backoff
con_s3 <- DBI::dbConnect(noctua::athena(), s3_staging_dir = paste0("s3://ourco-emr/tables/revenue_predictions.db.", game_name))
con_athena <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc(), "Athena")
yr <- year(cohort_date) %>% toString()
mt <- format(cohort_date %>% as.Date(), '%m')
d <- format(cohort_date %>% as.Date(), '%d')
## download existing data
cohort_query <- read_lines("/home/rstudio-doug/analysis/radhoc/revenue_model/sql_queries/cohorts_data.sql") %>%
glue_collapse(sep = "\n") %>%
glue_sql(.con = con_athena)
cohort_data <- dbGetQuery(con_athena, cohort_query)
if(cohort_data %>% nrow() == 0) { # first entry for this cohort, likely day 30 horizon
# try_backoff(
dbWriteTable(conn = con_s3,
name = paste0("revenue_predictions.", game_name),
value = prediction_df,
append = T,
overwrite = F,
file.type = "parquet",
partition = c(year = yr, month = mt, day = d),
s3.location = paste0("s3://glu-emr/tables/revenue_predictions.db/", game_name)
} else { # else amend existing row
## join onto local prediction_df
cohort_data <- cohort_data %>%
select_at(vars(-c(paste0("day_", day_from, "_day_", day_to)))) %>%
left_join(prediction_df, by = "s") %>% # left join in case it's first field added for this cohort
select_at(vars(s, day_7_day_30, day_7_day_60, day_7_day_90, day_7_day_120)) # remove partitions, those will be re added below
## push the new df (even though setting says append, this seems to update as desired)
dbWriteTable(conn = con_s3,
name = paste0("revenue_predictions.", game_name),
value = cohort_data,
append = T,
overwrite = F,
file.type = "parquet",
partition = c(year = yr, month = mt, day = d),
s3.location = paste0("s3://ourco-emr/tables/revenue_predictions.db/", game_name))
Output after sourcing() this script in a loop that iterates over a date range and outputs the date once successful:
[1] "2020-02-01"
[1] "2020-02-02"
[1] "2020-02-03"
[1] "2020-02-04"
[1] "2020-02-05"
[1] "2020-02-06"
[1] "2020-02-07"
[1] "2020-02-08"
[1] "2020-02-09"
[1] "2020-02-10"
[1] "2020-02-11"
[1] "2020-02-12"
[1] "2020-02-13"
[1] "2020-02-14"
[1] "2020-02-15"
[1] "2020-02-16"
Error: ThrottlingException: Rate exceeded
Execution halted
Looks like no attempted retries since we'd expect to see 'Request failed. Retrying in ...'
Let me know if there's any more info that I can provide?