In the below example, I am updating the url based in tabs selected. Suppose when the user clicks on row2 of the DT table, tab2 is opened(url is also updated accordingly) . But when we copy the url (say :, I do not get tha specfic state of the app, instead I get the default page.
Can you help me here. I need to have specific state of app when we paste the url
ui <- function(request) {
"Title", id = "inTabset", selected = "Summary",
tabsetPanel(id = "tabs",
# tabPanel(
# "Readme",tags$head(tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type="text/css", href="style.css"))
# ),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Make sure you only bookmark the tabsetPanel
setBookmarkExclude(isolate(names(input)[names(input) != "tabs"]))
# Every time the tab changes, store the app state as URL bookmark
observeEvent(input$tabs, {
# Set callback that stores the app state in the URL
onBookmarked(function(url) {
updateQueryString(paste0("?tabs=", input$tabs), mode = "replace")
# Set callback to restore the app state from the URL
onRestore(function(state) {
updateTabsetPanel(inputId = "tabs", selected = getQueryString()[["tabs"]])
output$tab <- renderDataTable({
datatable(iris,selection = 'single')
observeEvent(input$tab_rows_selected, {
insertTab(inputId = "tabs",
tabPanel(paste0("tabs",input$tab_rows_selected), "This a dynamically-added tab"),
target = "Summary",select = TRUE
shinyApp(ui, server)
But I think we when we make the tabs reactive, the url does not work. Example, click on 2 row on the DT table, it goes to the last tab with respective row (say 2) getting printed.
Now, when we copy that url and paste it in other tab, it does not show 2 there?