Hi, thank you for the report. This is definitely weird, but I wasn't able to reproduce it myself on my machine with this 60M CSV. When I ran your app and uploaded the file I saw "Upload Complete" after about 4 seconds.
Is this app running locally from the IDE on your laptop, or remotely on a server somewhere?
Do you have any evidence that the particular CSV takes a long time to parse for any reason? You could test this by running just data.table::fread("~/path/to/your.csv", header=T, sep=",", data.table = F) and seeing if it was slow.
I also face the same problem!!!
I am a resident working in pathology department and participating in some image analysis program. When I launch a shiny server which allow others to upload there digital slides (90MB to 5GB each), the upload bar take about 10 sec ~ 2 min to complete but "Upload Complete" always take 10~30 min to show up!!!! Still don't know why.......
Session info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setting value
version R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
os Windows >= 8 x64
system x86_64, mingw32
ui RStudio
language (EN)
collate Chinese (Traditional)_Taiwan.950
ctype Chinese (Traditional)_Taiwan.950
tz Asia/Taipei
date 2019-06-08
Hi, I am facing the exact issue while using fileInput. I am building a sales dashboard using shiny. When I upload a 100 MB file on shiny server, it takes ~10-20 minutes to complete the process.