Upgrade of OS and Rstudio

Hi there,

Soon we're going to perform OS upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. It's also planned to make posit updates from:
Workbench: 2022.12.0+353.pro20 Workbench (Elsbeth Geranium) for Ubuntu Bionic
Package Manager: 2022.11.4-20 build "4dbf646f7"


Workbench:RStudio 2024.04.2
Connect: Posit Connect 2024.06.0
Package Manager: Posit Package Manager 2024.04.4

What procedure from posit documentation should we take into account? How should be order of the operations? I saw there are procedures regarding OS upgrade but how does it look like in case of changing version of OS?

Have you seen Upgrade and/or Migrate Posit Team — Overview – Posit Docs? That captures our recommendations for these more complex migrations. Does that help?

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