Updating content that has been deployed to a Rstudio Connect server

I have an app that allows users to upload static .pdf documents to a designated place on our RStudio Connect Server.

As a maintainer of the app and the server, i have noticed alot of duplicated files. I am not updating the app to first check for duplicates using the title name of the file before uploading a new.

That part of the app woks. Now im trying to make it more user friendly by allowing the user to be able to select a button 'update' if a filewith the same name has already been updated.

I am using the connectapi package: is it possible to update the content?

I read the connectapi documentation and i thought the content_update() function could work, but it seems this package is no longer available.

Can anyone help?

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Yes, you can update content on RStudio Connect using the connectapi package. The function you’re looking for is content_update(), but if it's not available, try using deploy() or replace_content() instead.

Check if your connectapi package is up to date, as functions may have changed. You can also explore content_item() to retrieve existing content and upload_file() to replace it. If you're still facing issues, reviewing the latest RStudio Connect API documentation.

Thank you. I was able to use deploy()

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