I'm working in a shiny document (Rmd) and having trouble making the select choices dynamic. I've made a very simple example and get an error that
Warning: Error in if: argument is of length zero
46: <observer> [<text>#15]
3: <Anonymous>
1: rmarkdown::run
Here's the stripped down code - note this is in an Rmd document. The goal is that if tract is selected, then you can choose multiple number of bedrooms but if block group is used, you can only choose "All" bedrooms.
title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Inputs and Outputs
```{r br, echo=FALSE}
br_choice_init <- c("All", as.character(0:4), "5 or more")
radioButtons("sumlev", label="Geography level:",
choices=c("Tract"="tract", "Block group"="bg")),
selectInput("n_br", label = "Number of bedrooms:",
choices = br_choice_init,
selected = br_choice_init[1])
x <- input$sumlev
newchoices <- br_choice_init
newlabel <- "Number of bedrooms:"
newchoices <- "All"
newlabel <- "Number of bedrooms (only All):"
# Can also set the label and select items
updateSelectInput(session, "n_br",
label = newlabel,
choices = newchoices,
selected = newchoices[1]