Updates to running Shiny on rpi

I am working in R, shiny, and python and was looking for guidelines to try running R, Shiny, and rstudio on an rpi. I came across andresrcs post - Setting up your own Shiny and RStudio server on a Raspberry Pi. I also read the post on his personal blog using Ansible to install these. I have run into challenges attempting both methods - using Ansible and installing each via the post here on posit. In particular I have run into an issue when trying to install shiny via source code as the version of node.is has changed. I read the post and reply to change the script to version 12 but they are now on version 20 and I believe have changed the path structure to get to the version. I need some guidance on how to modify the install-node.sh and get the correct SHA256 value. It seems like the original post is closed as I can't figure out how to post a question/ reply for help updating this.

Hi, my Ansible playbook should help you install the latest shiny-server version (v1.5.22.1017) without any issues (it has been tested on Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu server 24.04 LTS). Anyhow, if you can provide more details on your problem, like specific error messages, I might be able to help you.

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Thank you for responding. I also tried ansible and was running into an error running that script. The error had to do with "ssh format not being valid" which I was unclear after doing a quick search so I decided to go back to the "long form". I had issues with cmake that I was able to resolve simply running apt get install. The current issue occurs with trying to install shiny.

I ran the following commands:
sed -i '8s/.*/NODE_SHA256=a865e69914c568fcb28be7a1bf970236725a06a8fc66530799300181d2584a49/' ../external/node/install-node.sh # node-v12.15.0-linux-armv7l.tar.xz
sed -i 's/linux-x64.tar.xz/linux-armv7l.tar.xz/' ../external/node/install-node.sh
sed -i 's/https://github.com/jcheng5/node-centos6/releases/download//https://nodejs.org/dist//' ../external/node/install-node.sh
(cd .. && sudo ./external/node/install-node.sh)
(cd .. && ./bin/npm --python="{PYTHON}" install --no-optional) (cd .. && ./bin/npm --python="{PYTHON}" rebuild)

and the final error message returns a 404 error message when trying to download the nodejs files. The commands above modify the install-node.sh script but when it tries to go to nodesjs.org/dist//version I get a 404 error. Going to nodjs.org and trying to resolve the download url I see the script produces something like dust//arm... but looking at the downloads hierarchy it looks like it should be https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.20.0/node-v18.20.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz.. but I don't know how to get the SHA256 value...

I found where you had provided a response to a new post with a new SHA value which I tried but still did not work.

thanks, brett

I have updated the manual installation instructions on my blog and tested them on a fresh installation of Raspberry Pi OS x64.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes

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