Updated shiny server on Debian won't run sample apps

I had a working shiny server on Debian 12 for a while, which then stopped working. I upgraded everything (R 4.4.3, shiny server, etc.), and the I can't get the sample apps to run. Nothing wrong in the shiny-server log (set to DEBUG) or the app logs. The hello sample app produces a screen showing just the slider and a black horizontal bar but the Chrome browser window shows a circle-with-slash icon and is not response. Screenshot attached. The markdown sample app just spins.

I feel like this should be something easy, but I've tried all kinds of searches and debugging tactics to no avail. This is a headless server and I can't test the sample apps on Rstudio on this server, but because they're the sample apps, I'm pretty sure the apps themselves are ok. Thanks in advance.

From the CLI of your server you can start an R session by typing:


Once you are in the R session you can try out (parts of ) your script. See what error messages you get if you call libraries or try to run other aspects of the script.

Since you recently upgraded, perhaps you need to install required packages?

Thanks, but this is not my script, it's the sample-apps hello, which uses library(shiny) and otherwise base R. It runs fine in the command-line (but doesn't do anything interactive, of course).