(updated) ARIMA gives subscript out of bounds when forecasting with fable/tsibble

Hi, I am working on a hierarchical arima model to predict store transactions. The data is of tsibble format and I set key on store_nbr and family. The index is date. This morning I tried to fit the model and it gave NULL ARIMA MODELs. Then I contraint the dataset and tried to study on specific store_nbr and family. It showed an error of subscript out of bounds. could you give me some clue how to debug such problems? thanks!

The dataset looks like this:

trans_tbl1 <- trans_tbl %>%
            filter(store_nbr %in% c(1) & family=='AUTOMOTIVE')

the output is:
A grouped_ts: 6 × 8

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

The model fitting is as:

    arima = ARIMA(transactions ~ onpromotion + wday +
                  pdq(2,1,0) + PDQ(1,1,1),
                approximation=FALSE, order_constraint = p+q+P+Q <= 10,na.action=na.omit)

and it gave an error:

Error in [[.default(.data[[index_var(.data)]], 1): subscript out of bounds

  1. model(trans_tbl1, arima = ARIMA(transactions ~ onpromotion +
    . wday + pdq(2, 1, 0) + PDQ(1, 1, 1), approximation = FALSE,
    . order_constraint = p + q + P + Q <= 10, na.action = na.omit))
  2. model.tbl_ts(trans_tbl1, arima = ARIMA(transactions ~ onpromotion +
    . wday + pdq(2, 1, 0) + PDQ(1, 1, 1), approximation = FALSE,
    . order_constraint = p + q + P + Q <= 10, na.action = na.omit))
  3. eval_models(models, .data[["lst_data"]])
  4. map(models, function(model) {
    . map(lst_data, estimate_progress, model)
    . })
  5. lapply(.x, .f, ...)
  6. FUN(X[[i]], ...)
  7. map(lst_data, estimate_progress, model)
  8. lapply(.x, .f, ...)
  9. FUN(X[[i]], ...)
  10. estimate(dt, mdl)
  11. fabletools::estimate(dt, null_model(!!f))
  12. estimate.tbl_ts(dt, null_model(!!f))
  13. .model$add_data(.data)
  14. .data[[index_var(.data)]][[1]]
  15. [[.Date(.data[[index_var(.data)]], 1)
  16. .Date(NextMethod("[["), oldClass(x))
  17. NextMethod("[[")


Hi, I am working on a store transaction prediction problem. I converted the dataset into tsibble format. And try to predict store transactions depending on store number(store_nbr) and product categories (family). 


A grouped_ts: 6 × 8|date|store_nbr|family|transactions|onpromotion|log.sales|sales|wday|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
and I fit the model with the following codes:

fit <- trans_tbl %>%
    arima = ARIMA(transactions ~ onpromotion + wday +
                  pdq(2,1,0) + PDQ(1,1,1),
                approximation=FALSE, order_constraint = p+q+P+Q <= 10)
it showed all fitted models are null. Do you know what are the possibilities to cause an null model? Thanks!

A mdl_df: 6 × 3|store_nbr|family|arima|
| --- | --- | --- |
|1|BEAUTY|<NULL model>|
|1|BEVERAGES|<NULL model>|
|1|CLEANING|<NULL model>|

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