Update the dataframe based on a column

I have a data frame like below and have millions of records, so I want to add column for total_score and expected_score. If region1 has "all region" then add columns t_all_region, t_east, t_west and add values from total_score.

so here we have 3 regions then create three columns t_all_region, t_east, t_west and add values from total_score

Same needed to do for expected_score.

df <- data.frame(total_score=c(4.5,12.2,4.6,9.2,12.2,36.4),
                 Region1=c("All region",NA,NA,"All region","All region",NA),

Looks like you might be looking for an if_else statement. Interestingly if_else() is slightly different from ifelse(). if_else() is from dplyr while ifelse() is native to R.
Using dplyr

df %>%
  mutate(t_all_region = if_else(Region1 == "All region",

And then repeat for t_east and t_west

Here is a generic approach.

df <- data.frame(
  total_score = c(4.5, 12.2, 4.6, 9.2, 12.2, 36.4),
  expected_score = c(4.5, 12.1, NA, 9.2, 12.2, NA),
  Region1 = c("All region", NA, NA, "All region", "All region", NA),
  Region2 = c("EAST", "EAST", "EAST", "EAST", "EAST", NA),
  Region3 = c("West", NA, "West", "West", "West", "West")

reg <- names(select(df,  starts_with("Reg")))
names(reg) <- reg

(regnames <- map(reg, \(x){
  make.names(unique(na.omit(pull(df, x))))

(df2 <- mutate(
    \(x){if_else(is.na(x), NA, total_score)},
    .names = "t_{col}")

regnames2 <- paste0("t_", regnames)
names(regnames2) <- paste0("t_", names(regnames))

names_from_regnames2 <- Vectorize(function(x) { regnames2[[x]]}, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

(fin <- rename_with(df2,
  .cols = names(regnames2),
  .fn = names_from_regnames2

Hello my name is Alexis Nsabimana, I would like to ask you the script used to keep the first coordinates for each day for my data
#keep another set of coordinates if at least 6 hours later
#keep a third set of coordinates if at least 6 hours later again
Because I am working on home range estimations of chimpanzees community

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