I have a shiny dashboard with two pages. Default is page 1 with a dateInput and a table. Page 2 is a page with a sliderInput and a plot. With a input$map_marker_click on a leaflet map, page 2 is shown. I my example below, I changed the input$map_marker_click for a materialSwitch.
This is what I want:
- Select a date with the dateInput (input$date) to show a table with the results of a research on the selected date.
- When I click on the materialSwitch the input$slide[2] is updated to the value of input$date
- The default range on sliderInput is 5 months. This range can only be changed by sliding input$slide[1] to another date. Sliding input$slide[2], the calculated range doesn't change
- When I click on the materialSwitch again, input$date is updated to the value of input$slide[2]
Step 2 works in my code. Step 3 and 4 doesn't work.
Here is my code. It only shows the dateInput and slider functionality:
# Function detail_menu_HTML
detail_menu_HTML <- function(back_link = "", title = "", subtitle = "", top_row = "", middle_row = "", bottom_row = "") {
fluidRow(back_link, title),
ui <- fluidPage(
width = 12,
uiOutput("right_screen", width = "100%"),
materialSwitch(inputId = "switch1", label = "DateSlider"), # To switch between table an plot
textOutput(outputId = "text1"),
textOutput(outputId = "text2"),
textOutput(outputId = "text3"),
textOutput(outputId = "text4")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
##### reactiveValues
difference <- reactiveValues(months = 5)
##### uiOutput
output$right_screen <- renderUI({
sliderIn <- sliderInput(inputId = "slide",
label = "Select a date range",
min = as.Date("2015-01-01"),
max = Sys.Date(),
value = c(Sys.Date() %m-% months(5, FALSE), Sys.Date()),
width = "95%")
dateIn <- dateInput(inputId = "date",
label = "Input Date",
value = Sys.Date(),
language = "nl"
# In this page you can select a date range for the axis of a plot
return(detail_menu_HTML(h2("Page where I use the SliderInput for selecting date range"),
top_row = sliderIn,
bottom_row = h3("here comes the plot")
} else {
# In this page a table is shown with results from that date
return(detail_menu_HTML(h2("Page where I use the dateInput for selecting date"),
top_row = dateIn,
middle_row = h3("here comes the table")
##### TextOutput
# Just to return the values of slider and dateInput to see what happens
output$text1 <- renderText({
paste("value input$date:", input$date)
output$text2 <- renderText({
paste("value input$slide[1]:", input$slide[1])
output$text3 <- renderText({
paste("value input$slide[2]:", input$slide[2])
output$text4 <- renderText({
paste("reactiveValues difference$months:", difference$months)
##### Observers
observeEvent(input$slide[1], {
# Only when input$slide[1] is changed
month_end <- input$date
month_start <- input$slide[1]
difference$months <- round(as.numeric(month_end - month_start)/30)
# sync enddate sliderInput (input$slide[2]) with input$date
date_start <- input$date %m-% months(difference$months, FALSE)
inputId = "slide",
value = c(date_start, input$date)
# sync input$date with enddate sliderInput (input$slide[2])
inputId = "date",
value = input$slide[2]
shinyApp(ui, server)
Appreciate any help and suggestions!