- Monday 2018-05-07, Akure R user group, Unknown Location
- Monday 2018-05-07, Taiwan R User Group / MLDM Monday, Taipei, Taiwan
- Monday 2018-05-07, Bluenose-R - User Group, Halifax, Canada
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, R-Ladies Addis Ababa, Unknown Location
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, R User Group Rhein-Neckar, Heidelberg, Germany
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, Sevilla R users, Sevilla, Spain
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, Portland R User Group, Portland, United States
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, Chico R Users Group, Chico, United States
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, R-Ladies New York, New York, United States
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, Eugene R Users, Eugene, United States
- Tuesday 2018-05-08, LondonR, London
- Wednesday 2018-05-09, R-Ladies San Diego, San Diego , United States
- Thursday 2018-05-10, R-Ladies Dublin, Unknown Location
- Thursday 2018-05-10, Salt Lake City R Users Group, salt lake city, United States
- Thursday 2018-05-10, LALUG - Landshuter Linux User Group - Stammtisch, Landshut, Germany
- Thursday 2018-05-10, Chico R Users Group, Chico, United States
- Thursday 2018-05-10, R-Ladies Columbus, Columbus, United States
- Thursday 2018-05-10, Ann Arbor R User Group, Ann Arbor, United States
- Thursday 2018-05-10, Saint Louis R User Group, Saint Louis, United States
- Thursday 2018-05-10, Portland R User Group, Portland. 97202, United States
- Friday 2018-05-11, R-Ladies San Francisco, San Francisco, United States
- Saturday 2018-05-12, Central Iowa R User Group, West des Moines, United States
- Saturday 2018-05-12, Kansas City R Users Group, Leawood, United States
FiveCollege Stats and Data Science Research Bytes
Date: 2018-05-07 at 17:30
Location: Amherst, United States
Come join us for the latest installment of the monthly series "Five College Statistics and Data Science Research Bytes", co-sponsored by the Five College Statistics Program and MassMutual Data Science. Events occur on the first Monday of each month. We've had a great turn-out and excellent talks at previous events! Each event begins with light refreshments and drinks served at 5:30pm followed by two talks by faculty and data scientists in the valley. This month we are excited to host two Mass
Andrew Reagan, Mass Mutual Data Science
"Agentflix: MassMutual's personalized agent-lead matching system"
Brittany Johnson, Postdoctoral Research Associate, UMass Computer Science
[Title TBD]
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: MassMutual Data Science at 59 E. Pleasant St, Amherst, MA, , United States
Organized by Western Mass Statistics and Data Science
7th Monthly Meeting
Date: 2018-05-08 at 14:00
Location: See event signup, orgainized by R-Ladies Addis Ababa
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: TBD, see event signup link at Meetup
Organized by R-Ladies Addis Ababa
Social meetup + "Reporting with preformatted Word templates"
Date: 2018-05-08 at 19:00
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
This is a social meetup.
Please bring your questions and (if you want to) notebooks.
--- Meetup ---
In general the regular meetups take place every second Tuesday of a month. We will meet in locations in and around Heidelberg and Mannheim, preferably near the train station.
The meetup will start with one or more very short presentations, most of the time.
You have the opportunity to discuss the topics you are interested in.
• What to bring
Ideas and questions. You may also post questions in the comments section of the upcoming meetups.
• Important to know
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Tati at Bergheimer Str. 151, Heidelberg, Germany
Organized by R User Group Rhein-Neckar
Reunión SevillaR: 8 Mayo. Creación de blogs y páginas webs con Blogdown
Date: 2018-05-08 at 19:00
Location: Sevilla, Spain
El próximo martes 8 de Mayo tendremos la reunión mensual del grupo de usuarios de R en Sevilla. El encuentro será en el aula TIC1 (segunda planta) del edificio CRAI (https://bib.us.es/ulloa/) del campus de Reina Mercedes, a las 19 horas.
En esta reunión Víctor Sanz (https://es.linkedin.com/in/victor-sanz-suarez-lledo) nos mostrará cómo montar páginas webs y blogs con Blogdown (https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/). En vivo y en directo creará una página web para el grupo de Sevilla R Users, que reemplazará a la actual de Wordpress (http://sevillarusers.wordpress.com/).
La migración a Blogdown, además de facilitar la inclusión de código de R y Rmarkdown en futuros posts, facilitará la participación y las contribuciones a la web, que podrán hacerse mediante 'pull requests' en GitHub.
Además, haremos una breve presentación sobre los proyectos desarrollados en nuestro reciente jacatón!
Os esperamos
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: CRAI Universidad de Sevilla at Avda. Reina Mercedes, Sevilla, Spain
Organized by Sevilla R users
lunchr: R Lunch
Date: 2018-05-08 at 12:00
Location: Portland, United States
lunchr v8 !
We'll eat food, and talk R, or anything else.
This is the 8th in the lunchr series - we're traveling around to different lunch places.
See you there!
Location: Elephants Delicatessen (https://www.elephantsdeli.com/locations/nw-22nd/) - 115 NW 22nd Ave
Portland, OR (First folks there try to grab a table in the back room)
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Elephant Delicatessen at 115 NW 22nd Ave, Portland, OR, 97201, United States
Organized by Portland R User Group
DSI Workshops & Community Coding Sessions
Date: 2018-05-08 at 14:00
Location: Chico, United States
• What we'll do
* We will be planning a few introductory workshops on topics such as R, Python, Git
* And a few advanced workshops on creating academic webpages with R Markdown, and an introduction to Bayesian Methods for statistical analysis.
* Do you have a request for a specialized workshop topic? Contact the CSU DSI with the request. **Community Coding Sessions**
* On days when no talks or workshops are scheduled the room will be open for Community Coding.
* This open work session provides a helpful and friendly working environment where you can code, ask questions or discuss ideas related to R, Python, Data Science, or more generally data visualization and analysis.
* We invite you to bring your Data Science and coding questions, data, and projects. Just need a place to work on stats/CS homework? You're invited too!
* On most days Robin Donatello (STAT) or Edward Roualdes (STAT) will be present. Other members of the DSI may drop in on occasion. Questions? Contact the CSUC DSI at datascience.csuchico.edu
• What to bring
• Important to know
You don't need to have a question to attend!
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: MLIB 442 at Chico State Campus , Chico, CA, , United States
Organized by Chico R Users Group
Introduction to Shiny Apps using NBA data
Date: 2018-05-08 at 18:30
Location: New York, United States
Shiny is a framework for making interactive web applications and beautiful data dashboards entirely in R. Developed by RStudio, Shiny translates R code into HTML, CSS, and Javascript so you don't have to. In this tutorial you will make and deploy a Shiny app using open-source NBA data. Along the way you will learn about how Shiny works, how to debug your code when syntax gets tricky, and how to integrate Shiny with the plotting libraries ggplot2 and plotly.
Please bring your laptops so you can code as you go!
Julia Wrobel is currently working towards her Ph.D. in biostatistics at Columbia University. She received an M.S. in biostats from Columbia in 2015 and a B.A. in chemistry from Swarthmore College in 2010. Her research focuses on methods for analyzing and visualizing high-dimensional data, with recent work in physical activity (think: FitBits) and neuroimaging. She is the author of refund.shiny, a Shiny-based R package for visualizing functional data analyses. In her spare time she enjoys rock climbing, skiing, baking and pizza.
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: NBA NYC Office at 645 5th Ave, New York, ny, 10022, United States
Organized by R-Ladies New York
Quotes, Quotation and Quasiquotation
Date: 2018-05-08 at 18:00
Location: Eugene, United States
I'll start with a common question for new R users: When do I put quotes (`"`) around something in R? I'll give you a few strategies for identifying whether you need *quotes*, backticks, or nothing at all.
Then we'll transition to talking about *quotation* which, by the way, doesn't mean surrounding something in quotes. What does it mean? You'll learn what quotation is, and why developers use it to make your life easier.
Finally, I'll introduce the idea of unquoting and help you understand what it means when a function says it supports *quasiquotation*. This will allow you to to use functions like `dplyr::filter()` inside your own functions.
I'll aim to have the talk be interactive without you having a laptop with you, but if you would like to follow along in R, make sure you have the tidyverse packages, rlang and lobstr installed:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "rlang"))
# install.packages("devtools")
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Oregon Research Institute at 1776 Millrace Drive, Eugene, OR, 97403, United States
Organized by Eugene R Users
Practical Storytelling and Data Visualization
Date: 2018-05-09 at 17:00
Location: Phoenix, United States
Visualizations are designed to provide complex information in a method that users can readily understand. Knowing how and where to position visualizations will help people assimilate the information better, but that can be tricky. Effective design requires a lot more than just knowing how to model data or put some graphs on a dashboard, and there are techniques you can learn to improve your visualizations. In this session you will learn design principals to improve your reports and demo how to implement this knowledge by fixing a report. You won’t want to miss this session to learn how to make your reports shine.
Speaker Bio:
Ginger Grant provides consulting services in advanced analytic solutions, including machine learning, data warehousing, data visualization and cube development using the entire Microsoft Data Stack, including SQL Server, T-SQL, SSIS, SSAS, Power BI and Azure. Ginger started working with data to solutions across a wide range of industries including insurance, education, healthcare, finance and transportation. She is a prolific blogger at http://www.desertislesql.com and frequent speaker and as a MCT provides training for training courses, at conferences and events worldwide to introduce more people to current developments and future trends in data. Microsoft has awarded her an MVP in Data Platform since 2016.
• 5:00-5:30pm: Sign-in & network
• 5:30-5:45pm: Announcements & Intro
• 5:45-6:45pm: Presentation
• 6:45-7:00pm: Q&A, wrap-up, clean-up
AZSSUG will be providing pizza and drinks!
There should be plenty of free parking available at Galvanize.
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Galvanize at 515 East Grant Street, Phoenix, AZ, , United States
Organized by Arizona SQL Server User Group
Book Club: "R for Data Science" Chapters 26 - 30
Date: 2018-05-09 at 18:30
Location: San Diego , United States
In this meeting we will continue and complete our book club on "R for Data Science" (http://r4ds.had.co.nz/). Please come having read Chapters 26 - 30 (Part V: Communicate).
Slides for chapters from past meetings can be found on our GitHub page (https://github.com/rladies-san-diego/book-club_r4ds).
Please bring your laptop and an electronic or hardcopy of "R for Data Science".
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Lestat's Coffee Hillcrest at 1041 University Ave. , San Diego , CA, 92103, United States
Organized by R-Ladies San Diego
How to do Sentiment Analysis in R?
Date: 2018-05-10 at 18:00
Location: Dublin, Ireland
We will manage RSVP to the May meetup via eventbrite. The number of tickets is limited to 20, so please update us if you can no longer attend so others could take part in the event.
R-Ladies Dublin May Meet-up is in partnership with Quantcast Women Network.
Join us for an evening of networking and presentations on analysis with R. We will have two guest speakers:
Meabh Stranney will share how she uses R in her role of Senior Data Analyst at Quantcast.
Anna Szabelska will demystify sentiment analysis in R. Anna will share a couple of exaples where sentiment analysis can be used. She will also demo how to prepare the textual data, how to read it into R and how to cleanse it, what R packages and dictionaries to use. Lastly she will explain how to best visualise the results and interpret them.
Anna is in the last year of her PhD in Cognitive Science. She is also a method consultant in the Psychological Science Accelerator, youth STEM ambassador, an instructor for Code First: Girls, and Code Club Holywood.
18:00-18:30 Networking and light refreshments
18:30-19:45 Presentations
19:45-20:00 Q&A and wrap up
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Quantcast at Beaux Lane House, Dublin, Ireland
Organized by R-Ladies Dublin
Interfacing with databases from R
Date: 2018-05-10 at 12:00
Location: salt lake city, United States
Our next Meetup will be downtown at Neumont College. City Creek has free two hour parking or you can take the Trax blue or green line to the Gallivan Plaza or City Center stations.
Mark Nielsen from Intermountain Healthcare will cover the basics of setting up connections to databases in different OS environments for the first part of this Meetup. Then Julia Silge from Stack Overflow will talk about using the dbplyr stack in R once the connections are established.
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Neumont College of Computer Science at 143 South Main Street , salt lake city, United States
Organized by Salt Lake City R Users Group
DSI Workshops & Community Coding Sessions
Date: 2018-05-10 at 14:00
Location: Chico, United States
• What we'll do
* We will be planning a few introductory workshops on topics such as R, Python, Git
* And a few advanced workshops on creating academic webpages with R Markdown, and an introduction to Bayesian Methods for statistical analysis.
* Do you have a request for a specialized workshop topic? Contact the CSU DSI with the request. **Community Coding Sessions**
* On days when no talks or workshops are scheduled the room will be open for Community Coding.
* This open work session provides a helpful and friendly working environment where you can code, ask questions or discuss ideas related to R, Python, Data Science, or more generally data visualization and analysis.
* We invite you to bring your Data Science and coding questions, data, and projects. Just need a place to work on stats/CS homework? You're invited too!
* On most days Robin Donatello (STAT) or Edward Roualdes (STAT) will be present. Other members of the DSI may drop in on occasion. Questions? Contact the CSUC DSI at datascience.csuchico.edu
• What to bring
• Important to know
You don't need to have a question to attend!
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: MLIB 442 at Chico State Campus , Chico, CA, , United States
Organized by Chico R Users Group
Data visualization with ggplot2 
Date: 2018-05-10 at 18:00
Location: Columbus, United States
Please bring your laptop and have R and RStudio (and the tidyverse package) installed and working. But if things don't work and you're having issues, don't worry! We're here to help (◕‿◕✿)
And we'll have pizza too! 🍕
Also as organizers, we would like to have a discussion about future meetups after talking about the wonders of ggplot2. If you are already familiar with ggplot2 and not interested in the meetup but want to give some suggestions about future meetups, come by around 7 pm.
Parking: Park in any spot marked "Reserved for the Columbus Collaboratory". There should be more than enough available- all are free. If you find that these spots are filled - park anywhere in surrounding lots and Katie will give you a day pass for your dashboard.
Call Katie if any issues finding it [masked]).
Directions and map also available here:
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Columbus Collaboratory at 1375 Perry Street, Columbus, United States
Organized by R-Ladies Columbus
True Random Number Generation Via Images
Date: 2018-05-10 at 18:00
Location: Saint Louis, United States
By: Alexander Mueller
As you may know, the random numbers generated by R commands are not truly random. We often view this as a feature and not a bug when we set a seed for the random number generator to ensure reproducible results. But for many cryptographic purposes this pseudo, rather than true, randomness is a significant liability.
There are a number of approaches to generating true random numbers, many of them involve basic image processing. For example, the twinkling of the stars is as random as one could ask, as it is really driven random turbulence in the atmosphere. We can access this randomness by analyzing a series of images of this star twinkling. I will walk through this and other examples using the imager package (https://cloud.r-project.org/package=imager) and apply the infotheo package (https://cloud.r-project.org/package=infotheo) to analyze the "volume" of randomness extracted.
The meetup will be held in the CIC building at 20 South Sarah Street, St. Louis, MO 63108. We will be in the Showroom. The building entrance is at the corner of Forest Park Avenue and Sarah Street. You can find directions at http://stl.cic.us/directions/ (CIC@CET).
We will meet for snacks, set-up, and conversation at 6:00PM. The presentation will start at 6:30PM and will be about 60 minutes long.
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: CIC@CET at 20 S. Sarah St., Saint Louis, MO, , United States
Organized by Saint Louis R User Group
Symposium on Data Science and Civic Data
Date: 2018-05-10 at 18:00
Location: Portland. 97202, United States
You are invited to join a symposium at Reed College that will feature the results of 8 student research projects that tackle questions about civic life in Portland using the tools of data science. The projects feature extensive use of the tidyverse suite of tools for data wrangling/visualization and aim for analyses that are transparent and reproducible.
Presentations will begin at 6:30 pm, last until roughly 7:30, and will be followed by a poster session. Light food and drink will be served starting at 6 pm.
Location: Vollum Lounge (in Vollum College Center), at Reed College Reed Campus Map (https://www.reed.edu/facilities_services/reed_static_map.html)
Start time: 6 pm
End time: 8 pm
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Reed College Vollum Lounge at 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland. 97202, OR, 97202, United States
Organized by Portland R User Group
R-Ladies + Hadley Wickham: Making your R code purrr with functional programming
Date: 2018-05-11 at 18:00
Location: San Francisco, United States
Hadley Wickham is the Chief Scientist at RStudio, a member of the R Foundation, and Adjunct Professor at Stanford University and the University of Auckland. He builds tools (both computational and cognitive) to make data science easier, faster, and more fun. His work includes packages for data science (the tidyverse: including ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, purrr, and readr) and principled software development (roxygen2, testthat, devtools). He is also a writer, educator, and speaker promoting the use of R for data science. Learn more on his website, http://hadley.nz.
Proposed Agenda:
6:00pm-6:30pm: Networking
6:30pm - 6:40pm: Gabriela presents updates from R-Ladies
6:45pm-7:45pm: Talk from Hadley Wickham
7:45pm - 8pm: Networking
• Important to know
If this is your first R-Ladies event, please take a moment to review our R-Ladies Global code of conduct: https://github.com/rladies/starter-kit/wiki/Code-of-Conduct
Sponsored and hosted by The Data Institute at USF (https://www.usfca.edu/data-institute).
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: USF at 101 Howard, San Francisco, CA, , United States
Organized by R-Ladies San Francisco
R and Python study group
Date: 2018-05-12 at 10:00
Location: West des Moines, United States
Are you tired of learning and playing with Python and R alone? Would you like to get together with a few friends and learn together? I have been starting to learn R and Python for data science and following the typical route of videos and practice projects. I really want to ramp up my learning and exposure to different ways. Here is my proposal:
- Gather a small group of 2-5 and learn together.
- Meet at a coffee shop, library, or some other space that has Wi-Fi.
- Pick a project, data set or problem, then work to solve it with different tools.
- Keep it fluid and informal.
- Meet on a regular basis, say weekly to start, and adjust as needed.
- Aim to keep the meetings 2-4 hours long, but this can be adjusted to the project or group. People can come and go as needed.
- It does not have to be the same people each time, so you only have to commit to going once to check it out.
Are you interested? Show up at the meeting spot, have some coffee, meet new friends and bring a project or question.
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Panera Bread at 4150 Westown Pkwy, West des Moines, IA, 50265, United States
Organized by Central Iowa R User Group
Uses of Data Science
Date: 2018-05-12 at 13:00
Location: Leawood, United States
We will have two talks, "Uses of Data Science at Hallmark Cards" presented by Joe Bartling and "Uses of Data Science at H&R Block" (speaker TBA). There is room for a third speaker, if anyone at another local company wants to talk about how they are using Data Science.
Sign-up for this event at meetup.com
Venue: Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer at 4700 Town Center Dr, Leawood, United States
Organized by Kansas City R Users Group