Unrecognized syntax identifier "proto3". This parser only recognizes "proto2".

I am trying to deploy a shiny app that uses a private package that is on a private github repo. I made a test of an app with just the library to see if it compiles. Everything seems fine until it shyniapps.io tries to test load the package. Then it gives the following error:

** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
xyt/api_data.proto:10:10:Unrecognized syntax identifier "proto3".  This parser only recognizes "proto2".
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘xythub’:
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'xythub', details:
  call: RProtoBuf::readProtoFiles(dir = "xyt")
  error: Could not load proto file 'xyt/api_data.proto'

From here https://github.com/linkerd/linkerd/issues/1118 it seems like a an issue on the linux server side having the proto buff version 2 instead of 3.

What should i do in this case?

Thank you

> rsconnect::appDependencies()
>          package  version source
> 1             BH 1.72.0-3   CRAN
> 2             R6    2.4.1   CRAN
> 3          RCurl 1.98-1.1   CRAN
> 4      RProtoBuf   0.4.17   CRAN
> 5           Rcpp   CRAN
> 6        askpass      1.1   CRAN
> 7      base64enc    0.1-3   CRAN
> 8         bitops    1.0-6   CRAN
> 9         crayon    1.3.4   CRAN
> 10          curl      4.3   CRAN
> 11        digest   0.6.25   CRAN
> 12      evaluate     0.14   CRAN
> 13       fastmap    1.0.1   CRAN
> 14 flexdashboard   CRAN
> 15          glue    1.4.0   CRAN
> 16         highr      0.8   CRAN
> 17     htmltools    0.4.0   CRAN
> 18   htmlwidgets    1.5.1   CRAN
> 19        httpuv    1.5.2   CRAN
> 20          httr    1.4.1   CRAN
> 21      jsonlite    1.6.1   CRAN
> 22         knitr     1.28   CRAN
> 23         later    1.0.0   CRAN
> 24      magrittr      1.5   CRAN
> 25      markdown      1.1   CRAN
> 26          mime      0.9   CRAN
> 27       openssl    1.4.1   CRAN
> 28      promises    1.1.0   CRAN
> 29         rlang    0.4.5   CRAN
> 30     rmarkdown      2.1   CRAN
> 31         shiny   CRAN
> 32   sourcetools    0.1.7   CRAN
> 33       stringi    1.4.6   CRAN
> 34       stringr    1.4.0   CRAN
> 35           sys      3.3   CRAN
> 36       tinytex     0.21   CRAN
> 37          xfun     0.12   CRAN
> 38        xtable    1.8-4   CRAN
> 39        xythub github
> 40          yaml    2.2.1   CRAN