I am a user of Stata and I am not used to R, but I need to create a linear regression separated by years.
Can anyone help me? I put the data in here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KoE0kay_mkAkn4fPHbMx3NcG6guHrp19?usp=sharing
The code in Stata is at follows:
reg interes year
reg interes edad if year==2010
est sto _mod1
reg interes edad if year==2012
est sto _mod2
reg interes edad if year==2014
est sto _mod3
reg interes edad if year==2016
est sto _mod4
reg interes edad if year==2006
est sto _modA
reg interes edad if year==2008
est sto _modB
coefplot (_mod1, label(2010)) (_mod2, label(2012))(_mod3, label(2014)) (_mod4, label(2016)), drop(?cons) xline(0) scheme(lean1) scale(0.8)
set scheme s1mono
coefplot (_modA, label(2006))(_modB, label(2008))(_mod1, label(2010)) (_mod2, label(2012))(_mod3, label(2014)) (_mod4, label(2016)), drop(?cons) xline(0) scale(0.8)
twoway lfitci interes edad
twoway lfitci interes edad, by(year)
I have tried this in R but it doesnt work:
fit<- lm(formula=interes~edad if year==2010 ,data=ESS)