Hi, I'm running RStudio Version 1.1.442 on a Windows 10 machine with a system default of ISO-8859-1. This is more of an issue of curiosity, as this is not something that really affects my experience within RStudio, but for some reason the ‘ and ’ characters that are, for instance, used in warning messages such as:
Warning messages:
1: package ‘ggplot2’ was built under R version 3.4.4
show up as the unicode replacement character / question mark symbol, and linebreaks don't show up, but only in R notebooks and R Markdown files (regardless of encoding selected in 'Reopen with encoding')
package �ggplot2� was built under R version 3.4.4package �tibble� was built under R version 3.4.4package �tidyr� was built under R version 3.4.4package �readr� was built under R version 3.4.4package �stringr� was built under R version 3.4.4package �forcats� was built under R version 3.4.4
So loading the tidyverse in an .R script or simpy in the console looks like this:
Isn't the Windows 10 system locale explicitly only used when displaying text in processes that don't support Unicode? My question was based on the understanding that there seems to be a discrepancy in how non-Unicode text is handled within RStudio, depending on whether it is inside an .Rmd file or not. Perhaps I'm mistaken?
Initially I thought it might have something to do with knitr::purl and source being used behind the scenes but that doesn't seem to be the case. Sourcing an .Rmd file in the following manner:
Comes out fine and dandy, regardless of the encoding of the file.
I should add that I'm in the position of not being able to change the default system locale to UTF-8, or any other locale for that matter (company-wide IT thingamabob).
I have this question too. I just installed RStudio 1.1.456 on a Windows 10 machine and right out of the box I see Unicode replacement characters in package loading messages, like so:
�tseries� version: 0.10-45
Can you please help me @mara on how to solve this issue?
On Windows, this is often caused by attempts to run R in a different locale than the system locale. (You can check R's notion of the locale with Sys.getlocale()).
A simple fix for all locales is to disable so-called fancy quotes, with e.g.
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
and this option can become part of your .Rprofile or similar so that it's applied to all R sessions.
Thanks @kevinushey. What are the steps to be taken to align the R locale with the system locale? That is, if I don't want to do the simple fix, but the more proper fix.
I have the same problem @samuel and the same question - I'd like to know how to align my R locale with my system locale please.
I don't think I should change my Windows locale (which all seems to be correctly set up for my language and region) even if I could (don't have admin privs). I guess my system is set as ISO-8859-1. Sys.getlocale()
It seems like the right thing to do to work with RStudio & RMarkdown in UTF-8.
Is there any other way of fixing the misalignment of the two character sets on my system?
In the meantime, I'll apply @kevinushey's helpful fix for the fancy quotes
If you're not explicitly adjusting the R locale with Sys.setlocale(), it should just use whatever default you have for your system. It looks like that's true in your case so I'm a bit surprised you're still seeing issues here.
Ultimately, we'll need a reproducible example to best understand the problem as it's possible something else is doing things with encodings / locales under the hood.
I bow to your greater knowledge and understanding, but it seems to me that my Windows locale ( Sys.getlocale()) is charset 1252 (which is not Unicode?) but I believe that in RStudio I am working in UTF-8 and that's where the issue arises.
I don't know very much about this stuff and am slightly guessing in the dark here really!