unexpected symbol error in my query

Hello everyone,
First time posting and new to here and in R. I have query already ready I just need to run and calculate the top 10% from Excel data file.
I am getting error
Error: unexpected symbol in "transmute(Lane_State,Sum(TOTAL_TOTAL))USbound_Period_End_P12_2022"
below is my query

USbound_Period_End_P12_2022<-USbound_Period_End_P12_2022%>% filter(CORP_YR_NUM==2022) %>%
arrange(desc(Sum(TOTAL_TOTAL))) %>%
group_by(CORP_WK_NUM,Lane_State) %>%
slice(1:ceiling(0.10 * n())) %>%

can anyone help me for this?

This message is almost always about punctuation. Try a , after the second )

This is after a ,
USbound_Period_End_P12_2022<-USbound_Period_End_P12_2022%>% filter(CORP_YR_NUM==2022) %>%
arrange(desc(Sum(TOTAL_TOTAL))) %>%
group_by(CORP_WK_NUM,Lane_State) %>%
slice(1:ceiling(0.10 * n())) %>%

and still have error
Error: unexpected ',' in "transmute(Lane_State,Sum(TOTAL_TOTAL)),"

It might be helpful for you to know how to properly format code and console output that you post here. Using proper code formatting makes the site easier to read, prevents confusion (unformatted code can get garbled by the forum software :anguished:), and is generally considered the polite thing to do. Check out this FAQ to find out how — it's as easy as the click of a button! :grinning::

arrange(desc(`Sum(TOTAL_TOTAL)`)) %>%
  group_by(CORP_WK_NUM,Lane_State) %>%
  slice(1:ceiling(0.10 * n())) %>% 

````USbound_Period_End_P12_2022<-USbound_Period_End_P12_2022%>% filter(CORP_YR_NUM==2022) %>% 