I recently started using RStudio after a large gap in time. I updated it (currently at R-4.04) and wanted to open a new rmarkdown file. I was prompted that I needed an updated version of rmarkdown packages, and it appears that 'bslib' 'tinytex' and 'rmarkdown' were set to be installed. However, each package installation returned the following error:
Error: unexpected string constant in:
"suppressPackageStartupMessages(.getRequiredPackages(quietly = TRUE))
tools:::makeLazyLoading("bslib", '"
Execution halted
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'bslib'
* removing 'C:/Users/Isaac's PC/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/bslib'
* restoring previous 'C:/Users/Isaac's PC/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/bslib'
At the end of the readout I get the following warning messages:
<U+2714> Package 'rmarkdown' successfully installed.
Warning messages:
1: In utils::install.packages("bslib", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com/") :
installation of package 'bslib' had non-zero exit status
2: In utils::install.packages("tinytex", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com/") :
installation of package 'tinytex' had non-zero exit status
3: In utils::install.packages("rmarkdown", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com/", :
installation of package 'bslib' had non-zero exit status
4: In utils::install.packages("rmarkdown", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com/", :
installation of package 'tinytex' had non-zero exit status
5: In utils::install.packages("rmarkdown", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com/", :
installation of package 'rmarkdown' had non-zero exit status
Could someone please enlighten me with an explanation or workaround? I am not sure why an automatic installation is having string constant errors. Thanks.