Unable to run code to prepare forecast

Hi all,
I am trying to run this code to prepare forecast. This is a legacy code. I am new to R. I have made some changes but unable to comprehend most of it and not able to run it. Can some one help me to understand and run it?
Summary: This code is supposed to read the sales history of multiple products from an excel file. create time series, then forecast using multiple methods, also create the MAPE to calculate the error of the forecast and then write the forecasted value in to an excel..
Here is the reprex of the code.

#set directory
#loading packages

# for loop
j <- 1
for (j in 1:length(sku)) 
  Consolidated_ABU_SKU <- read_excel("C:/Users/data.xls", 
                                     sheet = j, skip = 2)
  # replace blank and NA replacing with 0
  clean_data <- Consolidated_ABU_SKU[, -1:-2] %>% replace_with_na_all(condition = ~.x == 0)
  tsdataraw <- ts( clean_data, start = c(2013,4), end = c(2019,3), 
    frequency = 12)
  tsdata_ <- matrix(NA, nrow = 72, ncol = ncol(tsdataraw))
  i <- 1 # this loop is for outlier removal
  for (i in 1:ncol(tsdataraw)) 
      tsdata_[, i] <- tsclean(tsdataraw[, i])
    }, error = function(e){cat("ERROR", "SKU",j,"ABU", i, "\n")})
  #creating time series
  tsdata <- ts(tsdata, start = c(2013,4), end = c(2019,3), frequency = 12)
  # fcts is used to create the matrix, fcts is 2nd set of same data
  fcts <- window(tsdata, start = c(2013, 4), end = c(2018, 3))
  fcts2 <- window(tsdata, start = c(2018,4))
  #Creating matrix of timeseries data
  fc_ets <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_arima <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_autoarima <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_naive <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_rwdrift <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_tbats <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_hwadditive <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_hwmultiplicative <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_stlf <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  ma_ <- matrix(NA, nrow = 60, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  wma_ <- matrix(NA, nrow = 60, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_ma <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  fc_wma <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(fcts))
  #for MAPE calculation
  accuracy_ets <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_arima <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_autoarima <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_drift <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_naive <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_tbats <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_hwa <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_hwm <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_stlf <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_ma <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  accuracy_wma <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 7)
  fitts <- list(ncol(fcts))
  mapefc <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(fcts), ncol = 11)
  skus <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = length(sku))

  skus[, j] <- c(sku[j])
  i <- 1
  for (i in 1:ncol(fcts))
    if (sum(is.na(tsdata_[, i])) == 72){next}
    fitts[[i]] <- stl(fcts[, i], s.window = 36)
    #creating forecast
    fc_ets[, i] <- forecast(fitts[[i]], method = "ets", h = 12)$mean
    fc_arima[, i] <- forecast(fitts[[i]], method = "arima", h = 12)$mean
    fc_autoarima[, i] <- forecast(auto.arima(fcts[, i]), h = 12)$mean
    fc_rwdrift[, i] <- forecast(fitts[[i]], method = "rwdrift", h = 12)$mean
    fc_naive[, i] <- forecast(fitts[[i]], method = "naive", h = 12)$mean
    fc_tbats[, i] <- forecast(tbats(fcts[, i]), h = 12)$mean
    fc_hwadditive[, i] <- forecast(HoltWinters(fcts[, i], seasonal = "additive"), 
                                   h = 12, prediction.interval = TRUE)$mean
    fc_hwmultiplicative[, i] <- forecast(HoltWinters(fcts[, i], seasonal = "multiplicative"), 
                                         h = 12, prediction.interval = TRUE)$mean
    fc_stlf[, i] <- stlf(fcts[, i], h = 12)$mean
    ma_[, i] <- filter(fcts[, i], filter = (1/3)*c(0,1,1,1), sides = 1)
    wma_[, i] <- filter(fcts[, i], filter = (1/10)*c(0,5,3,2), sides = 1)
    fc_ma[, i] <- forecast(ma_[, i], h = 1)$mean
    fc_wma[, i] <- forecast(wma_[, i], h = 1)$mean
    accuracy_ets[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_ets[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_arima[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_arima[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_autoarima[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_autoarima[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_drift[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_rwdrift[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_naive[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_naive[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_tbats[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_tbats[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_hwa[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_hwadditive[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_hwm[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_hwmultiplicative[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_stlf[i, ] <- accuracy(fc_stlf[, i], fcts2[, i])
    accuracy_ma[i, ] <- accuracy(ma_[, i], fcts[, i])
    accuracy_wma[i, ] <- accuracy(wma_[, i], fcts[, i])
    #creating MAPE to check error
    mapefc[i, ] <- c(accuracy_ets[i, 5], accuracy_arima[i, 5], accuracy_autoarima[i, 5], accuracy_drift[i, 5], 
                     accuracy_naive[i, 5], accuracy_tbats[i, 5], accuracy_hwa[i, 5], 
                     accuracy_hwm[i, 5], accuracy_stlf[i, 5], accuracy_ma[i, 5], accuracy_wma[i, 5])
    df_1 <- data.frame(SKU = skus[, j],
                       ABU = abu[i], 
                       Date = c("01-04-2018",	"01-05-2018",	"01-06-2018",	
                                "01-07-2018",	"01-08-2018",	"01-09-2018",	
                                "01-10-2018",	"01-11-2018",	"01-12-2018",	
                                "01-01-2019",	"01-02-2019",	"01-03-2019"), 
                       ETS = fc_ets[,i], 
                       Arima = fc_arima[, i],
                       Auto.Arima = fc_autoarima[, i],
                       Drift = fc_rwdrift[, i], 
                       Naive = fc_naive[, i],
                       TBATS = fc_tbats[, i],
                       HoltWinters_Additive = fc_hwadditive[, i],
                       HoltWinters_Multiplicative = fc_hwmultiplicative[, i],
                       STLF = fc_stlf[, i],
                       MA = fc_ma[, i],
                       WMA = fc_wma[, i])
    df_2 <- data.frame(SKU = sku[j],
                       ABU = abu[i], 
                       Date = "MAPE", 
                       ETS = mapefc[i, 1], 
                       Arima = mapefc[i, 2],
                       Auto.Arima = mapefc[i, 3],
                       Drift = mapefc[i, 4], 
                       Naive = mapefc[i, 5],
                       TBATS = mapefc[i, 6],
                       HoltWinters_Additive = mapefc[i, 7],
                       HoltWinters_Multiplicative = mapefc[i, 8],
                       STLF = mapefc[i, 9],
                       MA = mapefc[i, 10],
                       WMA = mapefc[i, 11])
    df_ <- rbind(df_1, df_2)
    }, error = function(e){cat("ERROR", "SKU",j,"ABU", i, "\n")})
                file = "d:\\result.csv",
                append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, 
                row.names = FALSE)

That is not a reproducible example, we don't have access to your local files so we can't run your code, please provide a proper reprex including sample data.

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