Unable to resolve dependency

Hi! I'trying your tutorial here Publish a Quarto Document with Python to Connect Cloud – Posit Connect Cloud Documentation.

But I got these problems:

2024-12-27T15:08:20+01:00 Your publish request with ID 96ea8078-49ec-47de-8bdb-21b534cad62a is now being processed.
2024-12-27T15:08:20+01:00 Quarto version was not provided. Using 1.6.39
2024-12-27T15:08:20+01:00 Loading your source code...
2024-12-27T15:08:20+01:00 Initialized empty Git repository in /cloud/project/.git/
2024-12-27T15:08:21+01:00 From https://github.com/lufrig/incomes_south_tyrol
2024-12-27T15:08:21+01:00  * branch            3311278401c04065a21f3b85a231ea164941a989 -> FETCH_HEAD
2024-12-27T15:08:21+01:00 HEAD is now at 3311278 rifatto un requirements file base
2024-12-27T15:08:21+01:00 Installing your code's dependencies into the rendering environment.
2024-12-27T15:08:21+01:00 An internal error occurred resolving your dependencies.
2024-12-27T15:08:22+01:00 Failed to publish content: This content's dependencies could not be resolved. Check your requirements.txt. error_id=26a6ec73-0902-41ee-a030-ceb0d15eb892

What can I do?


Hello. It looks like your file requirements.txt file format was UTF-16LE, which Connect Cloud currently has an open issue to deal with. I did the following to fix it (after forking your repo):

  1. Edited the requirements.txt and saw this warning from GitHub We’ve detected the file encoding as UTF-16LE. When you commit changes we will transcode it to UTF-8.
  2. Made a commit without changing anything so that GitHub transcoded the file to UTF-8.
  3. Published successfully on Connect Cloud

Can you please give this a try and see if it works for you? Thanks,
