Hi. I am trying to replicate a code from an article to reproduce its simulations, but i keep getting the same error. Can somebody please try it for me, or help me. I'm lost at this point.
Here's the GitHub link (GitHub - jmbh/withinbetweentheory: Reproducibility archive for paper "Integrating Within-Person and Between-Person Phenomena in Psychological Theories") and this is the code:
jonashaslbeck@protonmail.com; Feb 2nd, 2024
-------- What is happening here? ----------------
Loading simulation results and plotting Figure 3
-------- Loading Packages -----------------------
-------- Loading Simulated Data -----------------
The script for the simulation can be found here:
ComputationalTreatment/Simulation at main · ryanoisin/ComputationalTreatment · GitHub
The simulation output itself is available upon request. The reason
is that we were not able to upload them due to their size (1.9GB)
However, we provide the relevant part of the output as an RDS file
which is the output of the below subsetting of the simulation results
simDir <- ""
Collect only baseline data from all 5xx people
l_base_pers <- list()
counter <- 1
for(i in 1:32) {
batch_i <- readRDS(paste0(simDir, "/IntSim6_Iter", i, ".RDS"))
for(j in 1:16) {
l_base_pers[[counter]] <- batch_i[[j]]$out_baseline
counter <- counter + 1
saveRDS(l_base_pers, file="Files/BaselineData.RDS")
Read from processed file
l_base_pers <- readRDS(file="Files\BaselineData.RDS")
-------- Panel 1: Data of one person ------------
------ Pick one person -----
l_person_i <- l_base_pers[[1]] # we take Person 1
DataP1 <- l_person_i$outmat
-------- Panel 2: Within VAR: A+T ---------------
----- On original time scale ------
data_VAR <- cbind(DataP1$A, DataP1$PT)
N <- nrow(data_VAR)
colnames(data_VAR) <- c("A", "PT")
out1 <- EstimateVAR(data_VAR)
qgraph(out1$phi, edge.labels=TRUE)
-------- Panel 3: Symptom Networks --------------
Get Symptoms from each person in the last week
n_weeks <- 4
week_length <- (nrow(DataP1)-1)/n_weeks
m_symptoms <- matrix(NA, 500, 5)
for(i in 1:500) {
l_person_i <- l_base_pers[[i]]
symptoms_lw_i <- getSymptoms(l_person_i$outmat[(1+(4-1)week_length):(week_length4),])
m_symptoms[i, ] <- symptoms_lw_i[1, 1:5]
} # end for: subj
Estimate GGM
ggm_out <- EBICglasso(cor(m_symptoms), n=500)
-------- Panel 4: Scatter: Sumscore vs. init S --
Candidate: Linear effect of A->PT
m_mix <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, 500, 9))
colnames(m_mix) <- c("sumscore", "VAR11", "VAR22", "VAR12", "VAR21",
"Mar11", "Mar22", "Mar12", "Mar21")
for(i in 1:500) {
l_person_i <- l_base_pers[[i]]
N <- nrow(l_person_i$outmat)
Symptom sum score last week
symptoms_lw_i <- getSymptoms(l_person_i$outmat[(1+(4-1)week_length):(week_length4),])
m_mix[i, 1] <- symptoms_lw_i[1, 6] #sumscore
VAR model
data_VAR <- cbind(l_person_i$outmat$A, l_person_i$outmat$PT)
out1 <- EstimateVAR(data_VAR)
m_mix[i, 2] <- out1$phi[1,1]
m_mix[i, 3] <- out1$phi[2,2]
m_mix[i, 4] <- out1$phi[1,2]
m_mix[i, 5] <- out1$phi[2,1]
Marginal auto/cross correlations
m_mix[i, 6] <- cor(l_person_i$outmat$A[-N], l_person_i$outmat$A[-1])
m_mix[i, 7] <- cor(l_person_i$outmat$PT[-N], l_person_i$outmat$PT[-1])
m_mix[i, 8] <- cor(l_person_i$outmat$A[-N], l_person_i$outmat$PT[-1])
m_mix[i, 9] <- cor(l_person_i$outmat$PT[-N], l_person_i$outmat$A[-1])
} # end for: subj
-------- Plotting it all For 4-panel Figure -----
sc <- 0.7
pdf("Figures/Fig_Data_and_Phenomena_Feb2_24.pdf", width = 15sc, height = 13sc)
cols <- c("grey", "black", "lightblue", "tomato", "orange")
cex_mtext <- 1.15
----- Panel A: Data -----
Some settings
cex_axis <- 0.8
day2inmin <- (60241)
day <- 14 # days, 19+20
SimData_2days <- DataP1[(day2inminday):(day2inmin(day+2)), ]
N_min <- length(SimData_2days$A)
plot.window(xlim = c(0, N_min), ylim=c(-0.55, 1))
axis(2, las=2, seq(-0.5, 1, length=7), cex.axis=cex_axis)
axis(1, c(0, 12, 24, 36, 48), at=seq(0, day2inmin*2, length=5), cex.axis=cex_axis)
title(xlab="Hours", line=2.5)
mtext("A. Simulated Data of Person 1 (Days 13-14)", side=3, adj=-.1, line=.8, cex=cex_mtext)
lwd <- 1.75
lines(SimData_2days$S, col = cols[4], lwd = lwd)
lines(SimData_2days$A, col = cols[1], lwd = lwd)
lines(SimData_2days$X, col = cols[5], lwd = lwd)
lines(SimData_2days$PT, col = cols[2],lwd = lwd)
lines(SimData_2days$E, col = cols[3], lwd = lwd, lty=2)
legend(N_min*.4, 0.8, legend = c("Arousal","Perceived Threat", "Escape Behavior", "Arousal Schema", "Escape Schema"),
col = cols, bty = "n", cex = 0.95,
text.col = cols)
----- Panel B: Within-person thing -----
lo <- rbind(c(.2, .8),
c(.8, .2))
layout = lo,
edge.labels = TRUE,
labels = c("A", "PT"),
fade = F,
# color = cols[1:2],
vsize = 13,
esize = 18,
asize = 10,
edge.label.cex = 1.5,
theme = "colorblind",
mar = rep(15,4))
mtext(" B. Intraindividual: VAR model of Person 1", side=3, adj=-.1, line=.8, cex=cex_mtext)
text(-.2, 1.2, "Arousal", cex=1.4, col="black")
text(-.2, -1.2, "Perceived Threat", cex=1.4, col="black")
----- Panel C: Between person symptom network -----
symptom_labels <- c("Panic", "Distress", "Fear", "Avoidance", "AvoidanceX")
symptom_labels_short <- c("P", "D", "F","AvB","AvC")
labels = symptom_labels_short,
# nodeNames = symptom_labels,
# legend=TRUE,
theme = "colorblind",
vsize = 13,
esize = 18,
edge.label.cex = 1.5,
edge.labels = TRUE,
mar = rep(5,4))
mtext(". C. Interindividual: Symptom network", side=3, adj=-.1, line=-.2, cex=cex_mtext)
legend(-1.3,0, legend=c("P = Panic",
"D = Distress",
"F = Fear",
"AvB = Avoid Behavior",
"AvC = Avoid Contexts"), bty="n")
----- Panel D: Scatter mixed -----
plot.window(xlim=c(0.2, 0.8), ylim=c(0, 20))
axis(2, las=2)
points(m_mix$Mar12, m_mix$sumscore, col=alpha("black", alpha=0.2), pch=20, cex=2)
title(xlab = expression(atop(phantom(0), "Perceived Threat"[t] %->% Arousal[t])))
title(ylab = "Symptom Sum Score")
lm_obj <- lm(m_mix$sumscore~m_mix$Mar12)
abline(lm_obj, lwd=2, lty=2)
mtext("D. Combined: VAR parameter & Symptom Score", side=3, adj=-.1, line=.8, cex=cex_mtext)