I am unable to knit without rmarkdown so I downloaded it and tried again. I then got a new error message saying I need an updated version of rmarkdown even though I just downloaded it and am unable to figure out how to resolve this.
I get this output
ARGUMENT 'sys.source('/usr/lib/rstudio-server/R/modules/SourceWithProgress.R',~+~envir~+~=~+~as.environment('tools:rstudio'));' ignored
ARGUMENT '.rs.sourceWithProgress(' ignored
ARGUMENT '~+++~script~+~=~+~'/tmp/21bd-d019-d396-9192',' ignored
ARGUMENT '~+++~encoding~+~=~+~'UTF-8',' ignored
ARGUMENT '~+++~con~+~=~+~stdout(),' ignored
ARGUMENT '~+++~importRdata~+~=~+~NULL,' ignored
ARGUMENT '~+++~exportRdata~+~=~+~NULL' ignored
ARGUMENT ')' ignored