Unable to install & load packages in R 3.5.2

My machine was recently upgraded to Windows 10 & have been installed with R 3.5.2. Earlier, I used to work on Windows 7 & used to have admin rights on my machine.

I am trying to install lubridate package to run my code (which used to work earlier with Win & & R 3.4). However, it is throwing up error as below

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘lubridate’:
.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Rcpp', details:
call: new_dummyObject(.dummyInstancePointer)
error: object 'class__dummyInstance' not found
In addition: Warning message:
package ‘lubridate’ was built under R version 3.5.3

I tried installing/upgrading Rcpp but still getting the same error even for Rcpp. I am not sure if it's issue with compatibility issue R i.e. R studio 3.5.2 versus package built for R 3.5.3.
I also suspect if the issue is with lack of any rights on my C drive, with dll being blocked.

Any pointers/solutions for this problem will really save my day.

Same thing happening me since the Windows 10 upgrade (downgrade) at work

try this:

install.packages('Rcpp', dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages('lubridate', dependencies = TRUE)

Also, if possible provide your session information.

I get these error lines as soon as I open the R studion

Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
object 'C_unserialize_from_yaml' not found
Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
object 'C_unserialize_from_yaml' not found
Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
object 'C_unserialize_from_yaml' not found

Then I removed lubridate package & tried installing Rcpp. But it throws up the below

install.packages('Rcpp',dependencies = TRUE)
Installing package into ‘P:/R-3.5.2/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/3.5/Rcpp_1.0.3.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 3012006 bytes (2.9 MB)
downloaded 2.9 MB

package ‘Rcpp’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in
Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
object 'C_unserialize_from_yaml' not found
Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
object 'C_unserialize_from_yaml' not found
Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
object 'C_unserialize_from_yaml' not found

Loading required package: Rcpp
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘Rcpp’:
.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Rcpp', details:
call: new_dummyObject(.dummyInstancePointer)
error: object 'class__dummyInstance' not found
Warning message:
package ‘Rcpp’ was built under R version 3.5.3

As mentioned, version installed on my machine is R 3.5.2 & this problem has surfaced after recent upgrade to Win 10.
Another pointer is that I used to Admin rights on my machine earlier (prior to Win 10), but don't have any more i.e. I don't have much of rights on the C drive.

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