Installing the RStudio (2022.12.0-353) over (2022.07.2-576) update it does not launch correctly.
It doesn't allow me to launch it from the Dock, and if I launch it from the command line it gives me the following error:
user@host:~$ rstudio
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
[1308034:1218/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is desktop, ANGLE is
Looks like something involving the graphics driver and/or hardware. I have these versions running on Pop!_OS, which is Ubuntu 22.04 based, tuned for System 76 hardware, which has an NVDIA card.
Look over the link and see if any of this looks like your setup and try installing an apt that was not installed prior to 22.04. I'll get the release notes for 353 and the github issues.