Thank you for providing clear, clean documentation of the basic principles of Shiny Reactivity. I have a few minor suggestions to clarify and smooth the pages.
On the page,
the exiting text
"A reactive expressions can be useful for "
might better read
"A reactive expression can be useful for "
The exiting text says:
"We’ll learn more about flush events in the next section"
might better read
"We’ll learn more about flush events in a later section".
or alternatively, change the order that the articles show on the right sidebar:
existing order:
Stop reactions with isolate()
Execution scheduling
new order:
Execution scheduling
Stop reactions with isolate()
Similarly, on the page,
the existing text
"Acting on this assumption**.** that clean reactive expressions will return the same value as they did the previous run**,** Shiny caches"
might better read
"Acting on this assumption**(** that clean reactive expressions will return the same value as they did the previous run**)** Shiny caches"
"Acting on this assumption**,** that clean reactive expressions will return the same value as they did the previous run, Shiny caches"
P.S. I couldn't find the links to nearby pages or the top ( anywhere on this page at first. Because I received a link to this page from a friend, it took me some time to find the original page. After creating this question, I found the links on the right-hand column. Having next and previous links at the bottom of the page may help to keep readers engaged or find what they are looking for.