Hi. I have modelled four latent classes out of a dataset about videogamers. I would like to see the gender distribution in the four different classes. That is, I would like to make a two-way table with gender as the first variable and the four classes as the other variable. I have tried to give an example below. Can anyone help me?
To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:
f.values<-cbind(A, B, C) ~ 1
M1 <- poLCA(f.values, data = values, nclass= 2, graphs = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
Based on the latent class modelling i decide on a two-class model as the best fit. Now I would like to generate a discrete variable out of the latent class model, where the respondents in the first class in the latent class model gets the value 1 and the respondents in the second class gets the value 2. We can call the variable 'valueclass'. Then i would like to make a two-way table with 'D' as the first variable and 'valueclass' as the other variable. Can you help?