Hello all. I have been struggling for hours attempting to debug this code but have stull come up empty. I receive the error "Warning: Error in :: NA/NaN argument" when the app is ran, and then receive a second error "Warning: Error in $: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable". I am not sure what is causing these errors, and I am not sure how to address them. Any direction that someone could point me in would be of great benefit, thank you.
The code is as follows:
# theme ----
dark_theme <- create_theme(
navbar_dark_color = "#bec5cb",
navbar_dark_active_color = "#FFF",
navbar_dark_hover_color = "#FFF"
contrasted_threshold = 10,
text_dark = "#FFF",
text_light = "#272c30"
bs4dash_layout(main_bg = "#353c42"),
bg = "#272c30",
header_color = '#1F456E',
active_color = '#FFF',
color = "#bec5cb",
hover_color = "#FFF",
submenu_bg = "#FFF",
submenu_color = "#FFF",
submenu_hover_color = "#FFF"
bs4dash_status(dark = "#272c30", info = '#1F456E'),
bs4dash_color(gray_900 = "#FFF", white = "#272c30")
# User Interface ----
ui <- bs4DashPage(
dark = TRUE,
freshTheme = dark_theme,
header = bs4DashNavbar(title = 'layrs'), # page header
options = list(sidebarExpandOnHover = FALSE), # global page options
controlbar = bs4DashControlbar(
fileInput('userData', 'Choose Geospatial Data', # file upload in control bar
multiple = FALSE,
accept = c('.geojson', '.kml')),
actionButton('addLayer', 'Add Layer')), # work in progress -- not functonal
sidebar = bs4DashSidebar(width = '345px', text = 'layer1', icon = NULL, expandOnHover = FALSE,
body = bs4DashBody(
tmapOutput('userMap', height = "1250px") # map output perameters
# Server ----
server <- function(input, output, session) {
layerCount <- reactive(Values(count = 0))
generateAccordion <- function(id) {
title = paste0("Layer ", id), collapsible = TRUE,
colourInput(id = paste0('col', id), 'Fill Color', 'purple'),
colourInput(id = paste0('bcol', id), 'Border Color', 'Black'),
sliderInput(id = paste0('alpha', id), 'Opacity', min = 0, max = 100, value = 100, step = 0.1),
numericInput(id = paste0('lwd', id), 'Border Width', value = 1)
observeEvent(input$addLayer, {
layerCount$count <- layerCount$count + 1
accordionId <- layerCount$count
selector = '#addLayer',
where = 'afterEnd',
ui = generateAccordion(accordionId)
output$sidebarLayers <- renderUI({
accordions <- lapply(1:layerCount, generateAccordion)
do.call(accordion, accordions)
output$userMap <- renderTmap({ # render the map
tm_shape(shp = st_read(input$userData$datapath)) + # reactivity for user inputs
tm_polygons(col = input$col, border.col = input$bcol, alpha=((input$alpha)/100), lwd = input$lwd)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)```