tweetDisect - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Muhammad Ezzat

Abstract: We scape data using the Twitter API for a given user & perform NLP analysis over the extracted tweets, and perform account related analytics.

Full Description: This is an app that's based on web scrapping, Natural language processing, data visualization & reactive programming. We simply start by taking a certain username from you & a certain query size & then perform the following analysis.

A) Timeline analysis
1- Tweets time-series: We get the tweeting frequency of that account across time.
2- Top15 tweeted words: A simple bar chart of the most said words
3- Wordcloud: A drawn word cloud that contains the most frequent words
4- Intuition pie charts: A pie charts that demonstrate the ratio between +/-ve sentiments.
5- Comparison Cloud: Another word cloud that compares +/-ve sentiments.
6- Emotions Chart: A bar chart that shows different emotions conveyed.
B) Account analysis
1- Mutualism Waffle chart: a waffle chart that shows the ratio of mutual/disparate relationships.
2- Other account info displayed on their own

Keywords: twitter,nlp,scrapping,api,visualization,textmining,markdown
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - MuhammadEzzatHBK/tweetDisect: A small web scrapping, NLP, reactive programming, dataViz web application. You have access to the entire everything but that doesn't mean you can take it & say it's yours. Enjoy!
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


Full image:

Nice app But it does not support Arabic Language

Hello it's me the author of this app, I would like to tell you that the link to this app has changed to :