New to R and still in the process of learning. Now, I am trying to plot GO in ggplot2 and need to separate the terms based on their category, so i tried the script below:
got a plot as below:
what I need is to have the terms based on the category on the y axis, but instead all the terms show up.
I need something that may look like the image below:
How may I sort this in the script I have?
Need help urgently.
The easiest way to do this is provide the output to:
Or, if your data is very big:
dput(head(your_data, 200)) # replace 200 with an appropriate number
Furthermore, this doesn't look like a web link and looks more like something local to your computer. Is there an example online somewhere of the kind of plot you want? Or can you attach it to this post as an image?
If I had to have a go at fixing your issue without seeing your data or goal, I think replacing your facet call with this may help: