Trying to create pheatmap for any selected columns

Hello there,

I have a sample data consisting of a 200 rows and 18 columns.

i was trying to create a shiny app to generate pheatmap for any selected columns. using the following code i was able to generate pheatmap for any selected columns without row cluster

server <- function(input, output) {

Rimportpercent <- read_xlsx("Rimportpercent.xlsx")
row.names(data_mat)<-Rimportpercent$Det m/z

output$value <- renderPrint({ input$checkGroup })

output$data <-renderTable({
data <-isolate (data_mat[,c(NULL,input$checkGroup), drop = FALSE])

}, rownames = TRUE)

output$Displot<- renderPlot({
Displot <-isolate (pheatmap((data_mat[,c(NULL,input$checkGroup), drop = FALSE]), scale = "row",
cluster_rows = FALSE,
angle_col = 45,
fontsize_row =7.0,
fontsize_col =12.0,
cellwidth = 50,
cellheight =9,
width =6.0,
height = 4.0))},width = 1800, height =2000)}

But when i try to create pheatmap with both row and column cluster using the following code

server <- function(input, output) {

Rimportpercent <- read_xlsx("Rimportpercent.xlsx")
row.names(data_mat)<-Rimportpercent$Det m/z

output$value <- renderPrint({ input$checkGroup })

output$data <-renderTable({
data <-isolate (data_mat[,c(NULL,input$checkGroup), drop = FALSE])
}, rownames = TRUE)
output$Displot<- renderPlot({
Displot <-isolate (pheatmap((data_mat[,c(NULL,input$checkGroup), drop = FALSE]), scale = "row",
angle_col = 45,
fontsize_row =7.0,
fontsize_col =12.0,
cellwidth = 50,
cellheight =9,
width =6.0,
height = 4.0))},width = 1800, height =2000)}

i am getting an error "NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 10)" for any selected column. but if i select all columns i am able to generate the pheatmap.
Is there any other matrix form or code that i could use to rectify this issue?
Any help is kindly appreciated.
Thank you.

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