I have added multiple select inputs to my shiny app in the sidebar and in the main body and want to create a graph that will change when any of those inputs have been selected or changed but I keep getting the error Warning: Error in : Result must have length 56127, not 0.
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Human Trafficking"),
selectInput("Source", "Choose a Data Source: ", choices = " ", selected = NULL,
multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL),
dateInput("startdate", "Start Date:", value = "2009-01-01", format = "dd-mm-yyyy",
min = "2009-01-01", max = "2019-08-26"),
dateInput("enddate", "End Date:", value = "2019-08-27", format = "dd-mm-yyyy",
min = "2009-01-02", max = "2019-08-27"),
selectInput("Nationality", "Select a nation: ", choices = " "),
actionButton("button", "Apply")
box(width = 4, solidHeader = TRUE,
selectInput("traffickingType", "Choose a trafficking type: ", choices = " ", selected = NULL,
multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
box(width = 4, solidHeader = TRUE,
selectInput("traffickingSubType", "Choose a trafficking sub type: ", choices = " ", selected = NULL,
multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
box(width = 4, solidHeader = TRUE,
selectInput("gender", "Choose a gender: ", choices = " ", selected = NULL,
multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
genderVic = sort(unique(ngo$Victim.Gender))
updateSelectInput(session, "gender", choices = genderVic)
traffickingSub = sort(unique(ngo$Trafficking.Sub.Type))
updateSelectInput(session, "traffickingSubType", choices = traffickingSub)
trafficking = sort(unique(ngo$Trafficking.Type))
updateSelectInput(session, "traffickingType", choices = trafficking)
traffickerNationalities = sort(unique(ngo$Trafficker.Nationality))
updateSelectInput(session, "TraffickerNation", choices = traffickerNationalities)
dataSource = sort(unique(ngo$Data.Provided.By))
updateSelectInput(session, "Source", choices = dataSource)
nationalities = sort(unique(ngo$Victim.Nationality))
updateSelectInput(session, "Nationality", choices = nationalities)
output$coolplot <- renderPlotly({
ngo <-
ngo %>%
filter(Victim.Nationality == input$Nationality,
Victim.Gender == input$gender,
Trafficking.Type == input$traffickingType
p = ggplot(ngo, aes(x = Victim.Age, fill = Trafficking.Type)) +
geom_bar(position = "stack")
ggplotly(p) %>%
layout(showlegend = FALSE)
So currently only have it calling three of the inputs to test it but still getting an error.