Trouble opening my R project Help

I saved a copy here: Posit Cloud, which you should be able to access. Please save a permanent copy for yourself as well, so that I can delete it at some point.

I also changed two options in Global Preferences:

1. I turned off/unchecked the "Restore .RData into workspace on startup"
2. I set save workspace to .RData on exit to Never

In addition to it fostering good practice in terms of saving your scripts/projects (see the What is real? section in R for Data Science), it means RStudio won't be trying to restore something on startup (it's possible I'm wrong, and that there's something special about the cloud configuration, but that's how it works in the desktop IDE). Hopefully this will help you avoid a time lag in the future.

Edit: I also selected "Quit child processes on exit" in the Project Options for the same reasons.