Updated R and packages won’t download
Hi everyone,
I downloaded the recent version of r and now when I try to open a r markdown file. I get the following message.
Required package versions could not be found:
base64enc 0.1-3is not available
digest 0.6is not available
evaluate 0.13is not available
glue 1.3.0is not available
highr 0.3is not available
htmltools 0.3.6is not available
jsonlite 0.9.19is not available
knitr 1.22is not available
magrittr 1.5is not available
markdown 0.7is not available
mime 0.5is not available
rmarkdown 2.10is not available
stringi 0.3.0is not available
stringr 1.2.0is not available
xfun 0.21is not available
yaml 2.1.19is not available
Check that getOption("repos") refers to a CRAN repository that contains the needed package versions.
So I try doing that and installing the packages again and get the following message
Warning in install.packages :
unable to access index for repository https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib:
cannot open URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/PACKAGES'
Any help would be appreciated!!!I believe my crab mirror is correct. I have no proxy/firewall
I also tried redownloading the older version I had and I’m still encountering the same issues