Trouble Deploying App with Error:The application failed to start. exit status 1

Hi All,

I am creating a Shiny App that populate 3 different figures for selected countries from my list. The app works locally on RStudio but I ran into this error (An error has occurred
The application failed to start.

exit status 1) upon deployment.

Please check out my app.R code:


# Example of loading the data (adjust this part to your data source)
data <- read.csv("TS_long.csv") 

# Clean the country names (if necessary)
data$countrynewwb[data$countrynewwb == "Turkey"] <- "Türkiye"
data$countrynewwb[data$countrynewwb == "Cote d'Ivoire"] <- "Côte d’Ivoire"

# List of countries to prioritize
c_list <- c("Argentina", "Brazil", "India", "Malaysia", "South Africa", "Türkiye")

# UI Definition
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Findex Insights"),
                  "Select Figure:",
                  choices = c("Account Ownership" = "account_ownership", 
                              "Government Payments" = "gov_payments", 
                              "Biggest Financial Worries" = "financial_worries")),
                  "Select Countries:",
                  choices = c_list,
                  selected = NULL, 
                  multiple = TRUE),
      helpText("Use the dropdowns to select a figure and countries.")
      uiOutput("dynamic_output") # Dynamic output based on figure selection

# Server Logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  options(shiny.fullstacktrace = TRUE)
  # Reactive data processing
  selected_data <- reactive({
    data %>%
      filter(countrynewwb %in% input$countries) %>%
      filter(group == "all") %>%
      select(countrynewwb, year, ts_account, accfin_o_t, accmob_o_t, accboth_o_t) %>%
      filter(! %>%
      na.omit() %>%
      gather(group, value, accfin_o_t, accmob_o_t, accboth_o_t) %>%
      mutate(total = ts_account * 100,
             value = value * 100,
             lab = ifelse(group == "accmob_o_t", round(total), NA)) %>%
  output$dynamic_output <- renderUI({
    if (input$figure == "account_ownership") {
    } else if (input$figure == "gov_payments") {
    } else if (input$figure == "financial_worries") {
  # Dynamically generate the plots for the selected countries
  output$country_plots <- renderUI({
    country_plots <- lapply(input$countries, function(country) {
      plotOutput(outputId = paste0("plot_", country))  
    fluidRow(, country_plots)
  # Render each individual plot for each selected country
    req(input$countries)  # Ensure that at least one country is selected
    # Loop through the selected countries and create a plot for each
    lapply(input$countries, function(country) {
      output[[paste0("plot_", country)]] <- renderPlot({
        data_1 <- selected_data() %>%
          filter(countrynewwb == country)  # Filter data for the current country
        ggplot(data_1) +
          geom_bar(aes(x = factor(year), 
                       y = value, 
                       fill = factor(group, levels = c("accmob_o_t", "accboth_o_t", "accfin_o_t"))),
                   stat = "identity", 
                   position = "stack", 
                   width = 0.75) +
          scale_fill_manual(values = c("#15AFB7", "#5697D1", "#8066AC"),
                            breaks = c("accfin_o_t", "accboth_o_t", "accmob_o_t"),
                            labels = c("Financial institution account only", 
                                       "Financial institution account and mobile money account", 
                                       "Mobile money account only")) +
          scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100),
                             breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 20),
                             minor_breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 5)) +
          geom_text(aes(x = factor(year), 
                        y = total, 
                        label = round(total)),
                    vjust = -0.5, 
                    size = 5) +
          facet_grid(.~factor(countrynewwb, levels = c_list),
                     scales = "free",
                     space = "free",
                     switch = "both",
                     labeller = label_wrap_gen(width = 10, multi_line = TRUE)) +
            strip.placement = "outside",
            strip.text.y.left = element_blank(),
            strip.text.x = element_text(size = 16, family = "Nunito Sans", color = "black", angle = 0),
            panel.background = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_blank(),
            legend.title = element_blank(),
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.justification = 'center',
   = margin(0, 0, 20, 0),
            axis.title.x = element_blank(),
            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(family = "Nunito Sans", color = "black", angle = 0, size = 14, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5),
            legend.key.size = unit(4, "mm"),
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
            plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 16, color = "black", family = "Nunito Sans"),
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 16, color = "black", family = "Nunito Sans", face = "bold"),
            plot.title.position = "plot",
            legend.text = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 16, color = "black", family = "Nunito Sans"),
            plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 12, color = "black", family = "Nunito Sans"),
            plot.caption.position = "plot") +
          guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)) +
          labs(subtitle = "Adults with an account (%), 2011–21", 
               title = paste("Account ownership in", country))
  output$gov_payments <- renderPlot({
    data_g2p <- data %>%
      filter(group == "all") %>%
      select(countrynewwb, year, ts_g2p_MEdig, ts_g2p_MEcashonly, ts_g2p_MEother, ts_g2p_any) %>%
        method_digital = ts_g2p_MEdig,
        method_cash_only = ts_g2p_MEcashonly,
        method_other = ts_g2p_MEother,
        total = ts_g2p_any
      ) %>%
      gather(category, value, method_digital, method_cash_only, method_other) %>%
      filter(year %in% c("2021", "2022", "2021/22")) %>%
      filter(countrynewwb %in% input$countries) %>%
      filter(! %>%
      group_by(countrynewwb, year) %>%
      mutate(value = value * 100) %>%
        total = sum(value),
        value_lab = ifelse(category == "method_digital", value, NA)
    max_val <- max(data_g2p$total, na.rm = TRUE) + 7
    if (max_val > 100) {
      max_val <- 108
    ggplot(data_g2p) +
        x = countrynewwb,
        y = value,
        fill = category
      stat = "identity",
      position = "stack",
      width = 0.75
      ) +
        x = countrynewwb,
        y = total,
        label = round(total)
      vjust = -1,
      size = 5
      ) +
        x = countrynewwb,
        y = value,
        fill = category,
        label = round(value_lab, 0)
      color = "white",
      size = 5,
      position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)
      ) +
        values = c("#15AFB7", "#F68E36", "#FBB615"),
        labels = c(
          "Digital payments",
          "Cash-only payments",
          "Other methods"
      ) +
        limits = c(0, max_val),
        breaks = seq(0, max_val, by = 20)
      ) +
      theme_minimal() +
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14, angle = 0),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank()
      ) +
        title = "Government Payments",
        subtitle = "Adults receiving government payments in the past year (%), 2021-2022"
  ### Biggest Financial Worries ###
  selected_worry_data <- reactive({
    data %>%
      filter(group == "all") %>%
        gap1 = Mostworried_No,
        gap2 = billmoney_M,
        gap3 = oldmoney_M,
        gap4 = schoolmoney_M,
        gap5 = medmoney_M
      ) %>%
      gather(group, value, gap1, gap2, gap3, gap4, gap5) %>%
      mutate(value = value * 100) %>%
      filter(countrynewwb %in% input$countries) %>%
      filter(group %in% c("gap1", "gap2", "gap3", "gap4", "gap5")) %>%
      filter(value > 0)  # Exclude zero-value rows
  output$financial_worries <- renderPlot({
    worry_data <- selected_worry_data()
    ggplot(worry_data, aes(x = factor(countrynewwb, levels = c_list), y = value)) +
          fill = factor(group, levels = c("gap1", "gap2", "gap3", "gap4", "gap5"))
        stat = "identity",
        position = "stack",
        width = 0.75
      ) +
          label = round(value, 0),
          fill = group
        color = "white",
        size = 5,
        position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)
      ) +
        values = c("#8066AC", "#69C9D0", "#15AFB7", "#F68E36", "#cccccc"),
        labels = c(
          "Medical expenses",
          "School fees",
          "Money for old age",
          "Monthly expenses",
          "Not worried"
      ) +
        limits = c(0, 100),
        breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 20)
      ) +
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 16, family = "Nunito Sans", color = "black"),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 16, family = "Nunito Sans"),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 16, family = "Nunito Sans"),
        plot.title = element_text(size = 16, family = "Nunito Sans", face = "bold")
      ) +
        subtitle = "Adults identifying their biggest financial worry (%), 2021",
        title = "Biggest Financial Worry",
        x = NULL,
        y = NULL
      ) +
      guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

This app works on my RStudio, however, when I tried deploying, it gives this error on the Console:
:heavy_check_mark: Successfully deployed to
Error in func(fname, ...) : app.R did not return a shiny.appobj object.
The app still runs at this point.

Here is my working logs from shinyapp

2025-01-14T16:14:00.964043+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Calls: local ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
2025-01-14T16:14:00.969232+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Execution halted
2025-01-14T16:14:00.974778+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Shiny application exiting ...
2025-01-14T16:26:35.936524+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Running on host: a5f6e23036c3
2025-01-14T16:26:35.943922+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Running as user: uid=10001(shiny) gid=10001(shiny) groups=10001(shiny)
2025-01-14T16:26:35.949006+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Connect version: 2024.05.0
2025-01-14T16:26:35.955646+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: LANG: C.UTF-8
2025-01-14T16:26:35.960533+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Working directory: /srv/connect/apps/test-figs
2025-01-14T16:26:35.965562+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Using R 4.4.1
2025-01-14T16:26:35.971172+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: R.home(): /opt/R/4.4.1/lib/R
2025-01-14T16:26:35.976223+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Content will use current R environment
2025-01-14T16:26:35.982089+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: R_LIBS: (unset)
2025-01-14T16:26:35.986891+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: .libPaths(): /usr/lib/R, /opt/R/4.4.1/lib/R/library
2025-01-14T16:26:35.994090+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: shiny version: 1.9.1
2025-01-14T16:26:35.999794+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: httpuv version: 1.6.15
2025-01-14T16:26:36.004966+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: rmarkdown version: (none)
2025-01-14T16:26:36.010651+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: knitr version: (none)
2025-01-14T16:26:36.017003+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: jsonlite version: 1.8.9
2025-01-14T16:26:36.021784+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: RJSONIO version: (none)
2025-01-14T16:26:36.027158+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: htmltools version:
2025-01-14T16:26:36.032375+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: reticulate version: (none)
2025-01-14T16:26:36.037377+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Using pandoc: /opt/connect/ext/pandoc/2.16
2025-01-14T16:26:36.042699+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.048199+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Starting R with process ID: '246'
2025-01-14T16:26:36.053189+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Shiny application starting ...
2025-01-14T16:26:36.058119+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.062834+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
2025-01-14T16:26:36.068078+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.074352+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
2025-01-14T16:26:36.079371+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.083981+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]:     filter, lag
2025-01-14T16:26:36.088658+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.094420+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
2025-01-14T16:26:36.099655+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.104345+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]:     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
2025-01-14T16:26:36.110667+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.115405+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.120084+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Attaching package: ‘rsconnect’
2025-01-14T16:26:36.124759+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.129375+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
2025-01-14T16:26:36.134243+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:36.139731+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]:     serverInfo
2025-01-14T16:26:36.145044+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: 
2025-01-14T16:26:39.956019+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: ── Preparing for deployment ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2025-01-14T16:26:39.961346+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Error in rsconnect::deployApp(account = "apnguyen") : 
2025-01-14T16:26:39.967520+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]:   No accounts registered.
2025-01-14T16:26:39.974000+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: ℹ Call `rsconnect::setAccountInfo()` to register an account.
2025-01-14T16:26:39.981779+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Calls: local ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
2025-01-14T16:26:39.987541+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Shiny application exiting ...
2025-01-14T16:26:39.992809+00:00 shinyapps[13708125]: Execution halted

I figured it was saying that my account was not registered here. I have since then verified my environment, checked for the account's registration (my account was listed), deleted my deployment records, re-registered and reconnected my account many times to the same error. And I still have an app that worked and successfully deployed using this account.

Does removing the library(rsconnect) line (which appears unnecessary) help?

Also (and presumably unrelated to the deployment problem), your app reads a CSV file when it starts. Is that CSV file deployed to the server along with the app and does it go into the same directory as the app?

1 Like

Oh removing that line works! Thank you so much.

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